Amanda Gorrell
Amanda is the course leader for our BA in Educational Studies. She also teaches across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and is a supervisor on our EdD programme.
Amanda's research interests are in digital transformation and teacher development, the way institutions assess the effectiveness of digital learning, and more recently, the utilisation of AI in Education (AIED)
Her doctoral research centers around exploring the impact of digital transformation on the staff experience in UK Higher Education. She is keen to work with others who are interested in investigating the challenges and opportunities that arise from incorporating technology into educational institutions.
Amanda Gorrell joined us in July 2018. She brought with her over 20 years of valuable experience in the field of education. She embarked on her career in the United States, where she initially worked in primary education and language teaching. As her career progressed, Amanda moved into Higher Education, assuming roles as an Education Studies and EAP lecturer, Trinity teacher trainer and FHEA mentor.
- Course Leader
- PhD candidate Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University, 2025
- Learning Technologies in EAP: A Practical Course for Teachers, 2019
- FHEA status, 2019/ TEFLQ status 2016
- MA TESOL, University of Manchester, 2010
- Primary Teaching Certificate, State of Washington, 2009
- Teaching Certificate in History, Virginia, 2001
- Regents Bachelor of Arts, Glenville State University, 2000
- Nominated Golden Rose Award 2023
- Developing a model of digital transformation for HE
- Teacher training and development
- Transformative learning
- Activity theory
- External Examiner, University of Sheffield
- JISC digital transformation working group
- Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning (CTEL), Lancaster University
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- BALEAP Webinar: Creating Digital Content for EAP, 2019
- NATESOL Conference, 2019
- UCLan LGS Faculty Teaching and Learning Forum, 2018
- INTO Global UK Training Conference, 2017