Andrew Bainbridge
Andrew has now been a full-time Senior Lecturer on the undergraduate Graphic Design course for 20 years. In that time, as well as his role as lead and programme leader in creative thinking, he has also been responsible for re-instating and running the industrial ‘sandwich’ placement programme. The ‘sandwich’ programme allows students to spend up to 12 months working within a variety of leading design practices, both regional and national.
Utilising his extensive links with the graphic design industry gained over the past 30 years, as well as the continued fostering and forging of new opportunities, Andrew has now been responsible for placing more than 300 Graphic Design undergraduate students into some of the country's leading design agencies.
In 2011, Andrew's work was recognised by the Vice Chancellor at the university, when he gained an Excellence in Teaching & Learning (ETL) award for his work in creating the online teaching resource The Disciples of Design.
Over the past 20 years, Andrew has also gained success with his students in more than 100 National and International Award schemes, including the Student D&AD Global Awards, The Creative Conscience Awards, YCN (Young Creative Network) Awards, The Roses Student Awards and the Star Pack Packaging Awards.
Lecturing responsibilities
Andrew teaches and delivers briefs across all 4 years on the BA (Hons) Graphic Course. Andrew is the joint lead and module tutor responsible for delivering and developing curriculum for the creative thinking module to all level 4 students. He is responsible for writing/originating and delivering briefs via studio sessions and group critiques. Andrew is personal tutor and mentor to level 6 students. He is also responsible for developing individuals projects and bespoke learning strategies, and delivering external competition briefs. Placement & income generation Andrew is the lead and module tutor responsible for delivering and developing placement programmes to level 5 and 6 students. The module includes an introduction to the industry and professional practice, portfolio preparation (both physical and online), and interview preparation and practice. He is responsible for arranging a programme of specific visiting speakers and facilitating interviews; industrial placement visits to employers; mentoring and providing pastoral support to the students during their period of industrial placement; and assessing the module. Over the years, his role as Industrial Placement Tutor has not only brought benefits to each student who has undertaken a ‘sandwich year,’ but has also provided a constant stream of income generation. Conference Week Andrew was instrumental in creating the annual Conference Week event in 2010 and it is now approaching its 10th year. Held each year in early February, the Conference Week consists of an intensive programme of visiting professional designers and practitioners. The talks are open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students on the Graphic Design, Advertising and Illustration courses. The week consists of between ten and twenty speakers from both National and International design agencies, speaking on varied topics that are current and pertinent to the undergraduate course. Over the 10 years since its inception Andrew has brought in over 120 different design agencies from the UK and around the Globe, as well as some of he industries leading practitioners. They include:- Pentagram - London, RGA - New York, Interbrand - Australia, Design Bridge - Amsterdam, DDB NORD - Sweden,
External Placement Consultancy
In his role as placement lead, Andrew is in a constant dialogue with numerous professional graphic design practices, both regional and national. This involves maintaining the existing industry links and annual placement liaison visits, as well as forging new links and setting up new student placement opportunities. This role also provides an opportunity to invite working professionals and design agencies back into the university to give talks and folder surgeries. Over the years, through the placement scheme, Andrew has built upon the courses reputation for providing a constant stream of quality, industry-ready graduates. The undergraduate Graphic Design course is now widely recognised as the 'first port of call’ for an increasing number of regional and national design agencies when it comes to their recruitment requirements. Over the years Andrew has been invited into Design & Branding Agencies to give talks on creativity.
- 2009 - Landor Associates – Invited to present his own design practice and give a talk on its creative process to the design teams at Global Branding agency Landor Associates, London.
- 2018 - Frank Bright & Able - London - Invited to give a talk on his recently published book - Typographic Specimens ( A Natural history of the Letterform)
- 2018 - Design Bridge - Amsterdam - Invited to give a talk on his recently published book - Typographic Specimens ( A Natural history of the Letterform)
- 2018 - Keynote Speaker - UCO research Symposium - Invited to speak at University Campus Oldham as part of their research symposium on the subject of Creativity and the making of the Typographic Specimens book. The story behind the story. Andrew was also instrumental in organising a 20 year Alumni reunion event in
- 2011 A two-day social event for the 20-year reunion of graduates from the class of '91 Graphic Design course, at Soho & Hyde park, London . The event attracted more than 50 alumni ranging from several years above and below, as well as several Fashion graduates from the same era. He is currently organising a further 30 year reunion weekend event to be held in Preston in June 2021.
External college visits and outreach
Andrew has also undertaken outreach with Primary School Workshops at - All Saints Primary School Stockport to Years 5&6 60+ pupils and Orton C of E Primary School - to the whole school - 57 pupils in total. These were one day typography illustration session based on his recently published book - Typographic Specimens.
- BA (Hons) First Class - ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Polytechnic 1991
- Andrew is currently taking a break out from his current MA in Fine Art
- In 2011, Andrew's work was recognised by the Vice Chancellor at the university, when he gained an Excellence in Teaching & Learning (ETL) award for his work in creating the online teaching resource The Disciples of Design.
- 2011 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors)
- Global Student Awards, Open category - In Book.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Advertising – Commended. 2012 - The Roses Student Awards
- Direct Mail - Winner. 2013 - YCN (Young Creative Network) - Student Awards.
- Packaging & Brand Promotion - Winner
- 2006 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards, Illustration – Winner.
- D&ADGlobal Student Awards, Advertising – In Book.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Poster Advertising – In Book.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Graphic Design/Environmental – In Book.
- YCN (Young Creative Network) Student Awards, Packaging - In Book. YCN Student Awards, Billboard Advertising - In Book. YCN Student Awards, Point of Sale - In Book.
- Star Pack Student Awards, Packaging - Winner.
- 2007 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards, Illustration - Commendation.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Graphic Design - Commendation.
- 2008 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards, Integrated Advertising - Commendation.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Integrated Advertising – In Book. D&AD Global Student Awards, Graphic Design - Commendation.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Packaging - In Book.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Open Category - Commendation.
- D&AD Professional Awards Film – In Book. 2009 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards, Packaging - In Book.
- D&AD Global Student Awards, Product Design - In Book.
- 2010 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards, Open category - In Book.
- 2013 - Winner YCN (Young Creative Network) Student Awards - Branding
- 2014 - Roses Student Awards - Brand a weather - Winner.
- 2015 - Creative Conscious Awards Toppling a Dictator - Winner.
- 2016 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Winner Typography, Creative Conscious Awards - Typography.
- 2017 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Winner Hasbro, D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - Arjo Wiggins, D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - John Lewis, D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - Amazon Fresh, D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - Illustration Category.
- 2018 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - Drop Box , Creative Conscious Awards - Connecting Creativity - Winner,Creative Conscious Awards - Addidas - Highly Commended.
- 2019 - D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - Heinz, D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - The Times, D&AD (Design & Art Directors) Global Student Awards - Highly Commended - Virgin Atlantic.
- An External Examiner at Staffordshire University for the undergraduate Graphic Design & Illustration courses of study between 2013- 2017
- Appointed as External Examiner at NUA (Norwich University of the Arts) for a 4 year tenure.
- The D&AD (Design & Art Directors) - both the educational and professional
The Disciples of Design Project “The Disciples of Design are a global creative collective. We are a broad church of design academics, practitioners, artists and students who are committed to one common aim – the creation of an ever evolving visual hub for the sharing of ideas and thoughts.” The degree to which this blog supports the teaching and learning of the students was recognised by the inaugural Vice Chancellors 2011 ETL award scheme. The blog is now in its 13th year. Acting as a conduit, the blog-spot feeds back into the course of learning on many levels, providing the course and students with: a broad range of course material cached in relevant categories; a practical resource that draws in current content on a daily basis; an ever-evolving archive for visual research articles and lectures; a repository for student work and student successes/awards; a platform for opinions and a forum for discussion; an effective recruitment and publicity tool. Andrew worked alongside one of the 4th year graduates, on a publication titled ‘Words of Wisdom’. This project is a printed extension of the 50 online Preston Profiles that Andrew has already archived over the past four years. It will feature graduates over a period of more 30 years, and the cumulative advice and breadth of the work they offer should provide a good source of inspiration for current students, as well as those to come in future years. This publication has just gone into print in 2020 (1000 copies).
Exhibition - PR1 Gallery - Printed Ephemera Exhibition. Titled :- ‘stuff’ - Duration 1 week A chance to look back at the collection from the Polytechnic Library: Exhibition Steps Back In Time, ,
2012 – Graduate collaboration 'To have & to hold'. Working alongside graduate Tim Sumner, Andrew helped him realise a personal final-year project to print in an international periodical. Featuring in Creative Reviews Monograph editions, Tim collated and documented the paper bag ephemera collection housed in the Graphic Design course archives.
2013 - Co-curated, designed and exhibited ‘Words of Wisdom’ - a preview of a forthcoming book featuring the words, work and advice of 50 Graphic Design alumni spanning the past 35 years, at PR1 Gallery, Preston
- The Source Book - A celebration of 30 years of Graphic Design. Featuring the work of more than 100 former Preston Design Students. Written by Prof Ben Casey & Andrew Bainbridge. Published by The Design Press UCLan (2004 ISBN – 1-901-92235-9). Compiled & Designed by Andrew Bainbridge.
- Placement – A student Guide to Internships and Placements in the Design Industry. Written by Matt Johnson & Jordan Stokes. Published by The Design Press UCLan (2007). Art Directed and forward by Andrew Bainbridge & Jonathan Harker.
- Words of Wisdom – Profiles of Fifty Graphic Design Alumni. Their words of advice & examples of their professional work Compiled, Edited & Designed by Andrew Bainbridge, Jonathan Harker & Mike Kirkpatrick. Published by The Design Press UCLan.
- Typographic Specimens - A Natural History of the Letterform - Publisher: Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd ISBN: 9781781453094
- Book Launch & Exhibition - PR1 Gallery - An exhibition across 2 floors of the PR1 Gallery of the Typographic Specimens prints and the background to the Story of The Reverend Jackson Whithead.
- Andrew was instrumental in creating the annual Conference Week event. Held each year in early February, the Conference Week consists of a programme of visiting professional designers. The talks are open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students on the Graphic Design, Advertising and Illustration courses. The week consists of between six and ten speakers from both regional and national design agencies, speaking on varied topics that are current and pertinent to the undergraduate course.
Telephone:01772 89 3376
Email: Email:Andrew Bainbridge