Dr Carol Kingdon
Carol possesses 25 years NHS maternity care research experience, with expertise in multi-disciplinary and mixed-methodologies. Carol was the first UCLan Research Successes Award Holder in recognition of her global health standing. Research she has led has provided evidence for National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines, national colleges (Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives) and global federations (International Confederation of Midwives, International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics). Carol holds an honorary appointment at Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust.
At the University, Carol is a senior academic in the Research in Childbirth and Health Unit (REACH). Carol’s substantial research contributions incorporate studies of reproductive choice and birth mode, preventable stillbirth and bereavement care, and qualitative alongside-studies of clinical trials. Carol is currently involved in two multi-million-pound, global health multi-country studies investigating optimising caesarean section use in low- and middle-income countries, and .
Carol is acknowledged for developing the 2018 World Health Organization’s (WHO) model of factors related to women, society, health providers, and health-care organisations that affect the frequency of caesarean section use at the local level. The model depicts how social factors surround the obstetric indications that also affect the frequency of births by caesarean section. It was published in The Lancet Series on Optimising Caesarean Section Use. To date, Carol has contributed six systematic reviews to the WHO programme on caesarean use and led two systematic reviews for the 2023 WHO Research gaps and needs to optimize the use of .
Carol is also recognised for contributing novel interdisciplinary evidence to drive new action on intersectionality, inequalities, and preventable stillbirth in the UK – research funded by SANDS Also funded by SANDS, Carol led the qualitative analysis of the first national study of bereaved parents' experience of stillbirth in UK hospitals. Extracts from the study were read in parliament providing lived-experience evidence to support national improvements in bereavement care . Carol also contributed to a study of post-mortem examination after stillbirth. This informed the design of the national consent form package for post-mortem after perinatal death.
For two decades, Carol has used her unique sociological lens to challenge and compliment clinician’s perspectives in pursuit of solutions for complex problems facing frontline healthcare. She is sole author of Sociology for Midwives (Quay Books 2009), co-author of Social and Cultural Perspectives on Health, Technology and Medicine Old Concepts, New Problems (Routledge 2016) and a chapter contributor to the Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare (Palgrave Macmillan 2012).
- PhD Women's Studies, Sociology, University of Lancaster, 2007
- MA Sociological Research in Healthcare (Distinction), University of Warwick, 1996
- BA (Hons) Sociology (2:1), Staffordshire University, 1995
- Faculty of Health and Wellbeing UCLan Research Successes Award Holder 2020
- Sociology
- Midwifery
- Obstetrics
- Global health
Key areas
- Reproductive choice and birth method
- Preventable stillbirth and bereavement care
- Qualitative alongside-studies of clinical trials
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Research in Childbirth and Health Unit (REACH)
- Medical Research Council, 2022-2027, C-Safe: Improving maternal and perinatal outcomes through safe and appropriate caesarean sections in low- and middle-income countries (Co-investigator) £2,200,000
- EU Horizon 2020, 2020-2025, QUALI-DEC: Reducing unnecessary caesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers in low- and middle-income countries (Argentina, Burkino Faso, Thailand, Vietnam). (Collaborator and Technical Advisory Board) €3,997,291
- MRC/DfID/Wellcome Trust Joint Global Health Trials Fund, 2019-2023, MOLI Trial and Q-Moli: An alongside qualitative study exploring patients’ and health care professionals’ expectations and experiences of labour induction with misoprostol and oxytocin for hypertension in pregnancy in India (Co-investigator) £1,048,743
- UKRI Economic and Social Research Council, 2020-2022, ASPIRE-COVID-19: Achieving Safe and personalised Care in response to epidemics, (Co-investigator) £490,859