Dr Charlotte Barlow
Charlotte researches violence against women and girls, in particular domestic and sexual violence. Her work focuses on policing, criminal justice and legal responses. Recent projects have explored coercive control, domestic violence disclosure schemes, rurality and domestic abuse, women鈥檚 co-offending and criminalisation and multi-agency working. Charlotte鈥檚 work centres on improving responses and services for victim-survivors. Charlotte also focuses on improving criminal justice and legal responses.
Charlotte joined us in 2021 as a Reader in Criminal Justice and Policing. In this role, she is Policing Strand Lead for the Centre for Criminal Justice Partnerships and a member of the Connect Centre, collaborating on projects with a particular emphasis on policing, criminal and family justice responses to domestic abuse and gender-based violence more broadly. Charlotte is elected Vice President of the British Society of Criminology and Visiting Fellow at the University of Fraser Valley, Canada. She was previously seconded part-time to the Vulnerability, Knowledge and Practice Programme as a Senior Research Fellow and Academic Lead for the Violence Against Women and Girls strand of work.
Prior to working with us, Charlotte was at Lancaster University and Birmingham City University. She graduated with First Class Honours from Keele University and completed her PhD at the University of Liverpool, graduating in 2015. Over the past decade, Charlotte has worked on and led various externally funded research projects with a particular focus on domestic and sexual violence. This work has led to a range of outputs, media interviews and policy and public engagement activity. Charlotte’s publications include two monographs, an edited collection, edited chapters and journal articles in high impact factor journals, including the British Journal of Criminology and Feminist Legal Studies.
Achieving real-world impact is central to Charlotte's approach to research, and her domestic abuse research has influenced national and international policy and informed the development of police and partner agency training. She is regularly consulted by media, public sector agencies, governing bodies and NGO’s as a domestic abuse expert. Charlotte has been an invited keynote speaker at various national and international events and conferences.
Charlotte is interested in supervising doctoral students who wish to conduct research in the areas of police and other agency responses to domestic abuse, coercive control, violence against women, gender, co-offending and women’s criminalisation.
- Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice, Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Lancaster University, January 2019
- PhD Criminology, University of Liverpool, 2015
- BSc (Hons) Criminology and Psychology (First Class Honours), Keele University, 2010
- Domestic abuse
- Police and other agency responses
- Sexual violence
- Gender-based violence
- Women's experiences of criminal justice
- Qualitative methods
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Criminal Justice Partnership
- Connect Centre
- Process evaluation and break-even analysis of Integrated Domestic Abuse Courts. Funded by the Ministry of Justice, PI, with colleagues from the Connect Centre (2023-2024)
- Evaluation of Children Affected by Domestic Abuse interventions. Funded by the Home Office. Professor Christine Barter (UCLan) is PI and I am one of the co-investigators on this project
- Who is the victim? Identifying victims and perpetrators in coercive control cases. 2022-2023, with Professor Sandra Walklate, funded by the N8 Policing Research Partnership
- Examining the link between offending behaviour, substance misuse and contact with Family Drug and Alcohol Courts, with Professor Judith Harwin and Dr Les Humphreys, ESRC SDAI, 2022-2025
- Violence Against Women and Girls Workstream, National Police Chief鈥檚 Council, Senior Fellow VKPP (2022 onwards)
- Evaluation of a new approach to the MARAC, with Professor Pam Davies, 2020-2022
- Domestic Violence Disclosure Schemes: Victim-survivor perspectives, with Professor Sandra Walklate, funded by the British Academy, 2020-2022