Professor Chris Harrison
Chris is a Professor of Clinical Assessment. He works closely with other colleagues in the School of Medicine and Dentistry to deliver a robust, valid, defensible clinical assessment strategy and operation, which meets the requirements of the regulatory authorities. He aims to ensure that assessment is always evidence-based and closely integrated with the curriculum. Chris has particular expertise in the areas of feedback after assessment and programmatic assessment. He also supervises postgraduate projects in assessment, feedback and medical education.
Chris has published widely cited articles considering innovative approaches to feedback in medical education. He is passionate about ensuring that clinical assessment is authentic and supports the development of students’ lifelong learning skills. More details can be found
His involvement with medical education began in 1999, when he was appointed as a lecturer in the University of Manchester, UK, with responsibility for teaching students patient-centred communication. Over the years, Chris developed an interest in assessment and was responsible for radically redesigning the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in Manchester. In 2009 he was appointed as the Academic Lead for Assessment at Manchester Medical School. In 2010 Chris moved to Keele University School of Medicine as Senior Lecturer in Medical Education with a remit to improve feedback. He led the introduction of paperless marking of OSCEs with the provision of verbal feedback via an iPad app. In 2013 he was appointed Director of Assessment. Chris led the redesign of the assessment programme for the medical school’s new curriculum, implemented from 2018. Chris obtained a PhD in Medical Education at Maastricht University in 2017, which was supervised by Cees van der Vleuten, Lambert Schuwirth and Val Wass, and co-supervised by Karen Könings. His thesis was entitled ‘Feedback in the context of high-stakes assessment: can summative be formative?’. It can be read online For his thesis, Chris received the prestigious Doctoral Report Award from the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) in 2018. Chris is a very experienced external examiner. He has given workshops, symposia and keynote addresses nationally and internationally in the areas of assessment and feedback. In addition to his academic role, he continues to work as a general practitioner at Brooklands Medical Practice, Manchester.
- PhD Medical Education, Maastricht University, 2017
- MSc (distinction) Medical Education, Cardiff University, 2008
- MRCGP (distinction), Royal College of General Practitioners, 1994
- MB ChB Medicine, University of Manchester, 1990
- Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Doctoral Report Award, 2018
- Maastricht University School of Health Professions Education Dissertation Award 2017
- Programmatic assessment
- Feedback after assessment in medical education
- Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners