Colette Miller
Colette is a Research Fellow in the Stroke Research Team, and Academic Career Development Lead for the National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (NIHR ARC NWC). Building on her background in Nutrition and Exercise Science, working for many years in the field of health promotion prior to her employment at UCLan, Colette's doctoral study seeks to generate consensus around hydration care after Stroke.
In her role as Research Fellow in the Stroke Research Team Colette works with the Professor of Stroke and Older People’s Care to develop programmatic research around fundamental aspects of stroke care, leading bids for external competitive grants and contracts. As Co-Academic Career Development Lead for the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NWC), Colette is responsible for implementing the strategic approach to capacity building, in terms of its development, delivery, and its evaluation. This requires the engagement of all ARC member organisations (academics, service providers, commissioners, managers, public and service users) across the NWC footprint in common programmes of research, knowledge exchange, and implementation, to improve care and reduce inequalities.
Colette has been involved with the development and delivery of the Clinical Academic Research Internship programme, and research capacity building for health care professionals has been the focus of her recent work. Research projects have included systematic reviews exploring healthcare professional education; an investigation of the stroke content of undergraduate health professional curriculum; and development of programmatic research around dehydration after stroke; the latter being the focus of her current doctoral study. The development and promotion of the Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF) web-based application continues to be a priority for the Stroke Research Team and Colette is leading a collaboration with NHS England to develop and disseminate this educational resource for health care professionals. In March 2017 the SSEF was awarded the Guardian University Award for Digital Innovation, a proud moment for the team. As a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Colette is engaged in the education of undergraduate and postgraduate students on a variety of research skills modules.
- PhD DevelopingPG Cert, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Central 成人视频, 2018
- BSc Hons Nutrition and Exercise Science, University of Central 成人视频, 2010
- Guardian University Award, Digital Innovation, 2017
- Academic Career Development
- Applied Health Research
- Digital Health
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- NIHR Academic Development Lead
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Health Research with Real Impact Conference, Preston, 2020
- UK Stroke Forum, Telford, 2019
- Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference, Sheffield, 2019
- European Stroke Organisation Conference, Milan, 2019
- International Conference on the Essentials of Stroke Care, India, 2018
- European Stroke Organisation Conference, Sweden, 2017
- Global Health and wellbeing Conference, Preston, 2018
- UK Stroke Forum, Liverpool, 2017
- Research Informed Teaching Symposium, Blackpool, 2017
- UK Stroke Forum, Liverpool, 2016
- Learning & Teaching Conference, Preston, 2015
- UK Stroke Forum, Harrogate, 2014
- British Conference of Undergraduate Research, Nottingham, 2014