Dr Donna Thomas
Donna is Co-Director for the ICreateS International Research Unit at UCLan. The unit focuses on the application of qualitative studies to explore the nature of self, consciousness and living experience with everyday people.
Donna’s research interests include exploring the nature of self with children, developing creative methodologies in research with everyday people; exploring extra sensory experiences with children and young people and developing semiotic frameworks for the analysis of abstract images in self and consciousness research. With a background in linguistics, Donna has conducted research into narrative and identity; citizen participation and dominant institutional narratives.
Donna is currently PI on several studies and holds an honorary research contract with Great Ormand Street Hospital. With a wealth of experience in local government and commercial research, Donna leads the ICreateSolutions research consultancy at UCLan. Donna has authored 1 book ‘Children’s Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World (2023), Collective Ink and published several peer reviewed articles. As well as engaging in public podcasts and interviews, Donna has presented at International conferences and was awarded ‘Best Paper’ in 2019 by the British Psychological Society Consciousness & Experiential Section.
- PhD The Language Use of Citizens in Participatory Processes, Lancaster University, 2013
- MA Literacy & Linguistics, Lancaster University, 2002
- BA Hons English Language, Literature and Literacy Studies, 2000
- 'Best Paper' - CEP BPS Consciousness and Experiential Section, University of Sussex, 2019
- 'Innovative Practice Award', Blackburn with Darwen Council, 2010
- 'Partnership Working Award', Blackburn University, 2011
- Self, subjectivity, extra sensory experience, consciousness, ontology, epistemology, creative methodologies, analytical idealism
Donna explores and examines the nature of self, consciousness and extra sensory experiences with children and families in various contexts. Recent studies include: Exploring Children’s Experiences of Intensive Care and Investigating Children’s Extra Sensory Experiences across various cultural contexts.
Full list of books and articles can be found on clok.
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- ICreateS International Network
- EECS Research Group, Northampton University
- Galileo Commission
- Scientific & Medical Network
- Essentia Foundation
- UCLan Young Researchers Network
- PI, Who am I? (2018-19). Primary Investigator pilot study exploring the nature of self and extra sensory experiences with children and young people (UCLan).
- Co-Researcher, NICE Commissioned Study (2019). Co-researcher, NICE funded, co-produced final report to inform National guidelines for social workers (UCLan)
- PI, Being Connected (2020). Primary Investigator exploring children’s connections to self, others and the world (UCLan)
- PI, Developing Cyberethnography: Children’s ‘out of this world’ small stories (2021)
- Researcher, Landscapes (2021).
- Co-PI, Tuning the Frequencies (2022)
- PI, Investigating the nature of Consciousness with young children (2022)
- PI, Exploring Children’s Experiences in Intensive Care Pilot Study. With Great Ormand Street Hospital (2021 – 2022)
- PI, Consulting Younger Children on Creative Research Methods, (UCLan)
- PI, Exploring Self with Children in the Netherlands Pilot Study (2023). (UCLan & Utrecht University)
- PI, Investigating children’s extra sensory experience across various cultural contexts (2023-2025). UCLan, Leeds Trinity & Northampton University. Funded by Bial Fundiacio
- Co-PI, The Art of Self: Exploring the nature of self and development with children and young people (2023- 2028), UCLan, Utrecht University, University of Copenhagen & Leeds Trinity
- PI, Exploring Children’s Experiences in Intensive Care to inform Clinical Practice (2023-2028). UCLan & Great Ormand Street Hospital
- Co-PI, Exploring Self with Children using Virtual Reality (2024-2027-.UCLan, Cambridge University, Anglia Ruskin & Utrecht University
- PI, Exploring Children’s Near-Death Experiences using Creative Research Methods
- PI, Evaluation of Our Voice Wellbeing Intervention, Child Action Northwest
- Non-HEI Research & Evaluation
- PI, Evaluation of BwD pupil voice activity (2006). Embedding research and evaluation into pupil voice networking activity across 10 high schools in BwD
- PI, Engaging pupils in 14-19 Curriculum Development, BwD (2007). Developed and delivered R&D & ME strategy for ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ 14-19 Agenda
- PI, Lead for Research & Engagement Building Schools for the Future (2009)
- PI, Development and delivery of BwD strategy for citizen Engagement (2010)
- PI, Lead Researcher for BwD 2020 Vision; informing development of 2020 BwD Council Strategy
- PI, Leading on Research and Engagement for the BwD and Age UK Dementia Agenda (2011)
- PI, Evaluation of the BwD Personalised Budgets Programme (2008)
- PI, Lead Researcher on BwD Think Family Programme (2010)
- PI, An Evaluation of BwD School Nursing Services, BwD Public Health commission (2014)
- PI, Am Evaluation of Reach (2015), ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Care Foundation Trust Commission.
- Co-PI, Evaluation of stop smoking services Blackpool Teaching Hospital (2014).
- PI, Investigating Social Media Use of Young People in ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (2013).
- Identity and Social Media Study, Blackburn YouthZone (2013).
- British Psychological Society Transpersonal Section Conference, 2018, University of Cardiff. Transpersonal Experiences and Self
- British Psychological Society Consciousness & Experiential Section, 2019, University of Sussex. Child as Altar: Researching anomalous experiences with children. (awarded ‘best paper 2019’)
- Science of Consciousness Conference (2020), University of Arizona. Researching Self and Anomalous Experiences with Children
- British Psychological Society (2021). Researching Transpersonal Experiences with Children. Seminar & workshop delivered to the BPS Transpersonal Section
- Tuesday Talks, Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, (2021), Edinburgh. Exploring Anomalous Experiences with Children
- Consciousness & Exceptional Experience Symposium, (2021), Northampton University. Researching Self and Anomalous Experiences with Children
- Rhine Research Centre, (2022), USA. Playing in the Field: The nature and
- Society for Scientific Exploration, Breakthrough: New ideas in science, research & theory (2022). Conference. Online.
- Women and Parapsychology Revisited Symposium (2022). Rethinking Methodologies with Children in Parapsychology
- Invited Talk (2023), Utrecht University Medical Centre. ‘I can remember’: Researching Children’s Experiences in the ICU
- Keynote Presentation, Ubiquity University, (2023) UK. Wyrd Playtime: Exploring consciousness with children, Broughton Hall, UK
- Invited Talk, Scientific & Medical Network (2024). ‘My mind is not in my brain: Exploring consciousness with children (online)
- Invited Talk, Leeds Beckett University (2024). Who am I? Exploring the nature of self with children and everyday people