Dr Dorota (Dot) Ujma
Dorota (Dot) is looking after the Tourism, Hospitality and Events Masters courses at the University of Central 成人视频. Dot's main focus is teaching, particularly in the area of health and wellness Tourism, personal and professional development for Tourism, Hospitality and Events and research methods for Tourism, Hospitality and Events.
Apart from managing the Postgraduate Suite of Tourism, Hospitality and Events courses at the University of Central 成人视频, Dot is also looking after Research Students in her role of the Research Degree tutor. This role includes advising potential applicants for the research degrees, interviewing them and checking their progress on a research journey. She is also a Principal Investigator for an international research project, funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
Dot previously taught at the University of Bedfordshire and the Krakow University of Economics in Poland. She completed a Master’s degree in Krakow, specialising in tourism marketing of health resorts and a PhD on tourism distribution channel relationships at the University of Bedfordshire. In addition, Dorota previously worked with the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, which opened her eyes to the nebulous nature of employability and complex links between employers and curriculum. Her research interests touch upon tourism marketing, specifically distribution in tourism and hospitality as well as health and wellness resorts. She is also interested in pedagogic issues and perspectives in higher education, especially how they are impacted upon by the developing technology. She is a fan of polling and research software, for example Vevox and Qualtrics. Processes guiding development of tourism career management skills, for example through work placements and personal development planning, or more general educational research areas including links between assessments and learning / teaching, and the value of feedback to students and members of staff were added to her research agenda as the result of co-operation with UK and international research fellows. She likes working with colleagues through coaching and mentoring schemes. The co-operation with the Polish University College of Tourism and Ecology (WSTiE) in Sucha Beskidzka, where she was a visiting lecturer, led to the international project, funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), titled “Design thinking as a tool of practical support for the development of business and science, based on the international academic partnership: Polish – Italian – English – Hungarian”. Its aim is to uncover solutions in which entrepreneurial and employability skills are developed in tourism-related courses in four co-operating universities in Poland, UK, Italy and Hungary. Dot with four other colleagues from the Tourism, Hospitality and Events lead the project-related activities at the University of Central 成人视频.
- Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Hospitality and Events
- PhD Tourism Distribution Channels, University of Luton (UK)
- Master鈥檚 in Economics: Marketing in Travel and Tourism, Krakow University of Economics (Poland)
- Dot's research interests touch upon tourism marketing, specifically distribution in tourism and hospitality as well as health and wellness resorts. She is also interested in pedagogic issues and perspectives in higher education, especially how they are impacted upon by the developing technology. She is a fan of polling and research software, for example Vevox and Qualtrics.
- Processes guiding development of tourism career management skills, for example through work placements and personal development planning, or more general educational research areas including links between assessments and learning / teaching, and the value of feedback to students and members of staff were added to her research agenda as the result of co-operation with UK and international research fellows. She likes working with colleagues through coaching and mentoring schemes.
- Dorota is a member of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE) and the Tourism Society.
Following her doctoral research, Dorota published chapters with Professor Dimitrios Buhalis on the role of travel intermediaries in tourism. She taught a lot and naturally her research interests moved to the area of teaching and learning, especially the development of study skills with a focus on literacy as well as transferable and employability skills. She was also interested in students’ response to feedback and learning from feedback. Her interest in pedagogic issues and perspectives in Higher Education led to processes guiding development of tourism career management skills, for example through work placements and personal development planning, or more general educational research areas including links between assessments and learning / teaching. The value of feedback to students and members of staff were added to her research agenda as the result of co-operation with UK and international research fellows. She was invited by Professor Wies艂aw Alejziak to a project to translate eminent tourism research into Polish for ‘Folia Turistica’, an academic journal for tourism research. She worked with Professor Philip L. Pearce, translating his publication on the rise of Australian academic tourism research. She also worked on collaborative research project in the Silesian health resorts in Poland with Professor Andrzej Hadzik and Dr Sean Gammon. The most challenging publishing experience yet was a chapter on the sociology of tourism in Poland, co-written with Polish Professors Krzysztof Przec艂awski and Julian Bystrzanowski and created after an invitation from Professor Graham Dann, who co-edited the Tourism Social Science Series on the Sociology of Tourism: European Origins and Developments.
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- The international project, funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), 2018-2020 titled 鈥淒esign thinking as a tool of practical support for the development of business and science, based on the international academic partnership: Polish 鈥 Italian 鈥 English 鈥 Hungarian鈥 ERASMUS Youth Mobility KA2, 2015, Porozmawiajmy o nas - na malopolskim szlaku goscinnosci; "Let's talk about us - youth trail of national heritage and Malopolska hospitality"
- NAWA, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, 2018, The international project, titled 鈥淒esign thinking as a tool of practical support for the development of business and science, based on the international academic partnership: Polish 鈥 Italian 鈥 English 鈥 Hungarian鈥, 拢45,000
- ERASMUS Youth Mobility KA2, 2015, Porozmawiajmy o nas - na malopolskim szlaku goscinnosci; "Let's talk about us - youth trail of national heritage and Malopolska hospitality", 3230 Euro
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 895704
Email: Email:Dr Dorota (Dot) Ujma
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