Dr Gordon Prescott
Dr Gordon Prescott is the Deputy Director of ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit. He is a medical statistician who joined the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit as Deputy Director and Reader in Medical Statistics. He leads the Health Statistics Team and works on clinical trials and well-designed studies in health and medicine.
In his role as Deputy Director at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit, Gordon leads the Health Statistics Team. He is responsible for the statistical aspects of the design and implementation of both clinical trials and well-designed observational studies. He has further expertise in prognostic modelling and diagnostic testing applied to chronic conditions. Gordon is active in research within the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit, the Health Research Methodology Hub (HeRMI), and the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Research Institute for Global Health and Wellbeing (LIFE). He provides specialist input to postgraduate and undergraduate courses on medical statistics and clinical trials. Gordon is a member of the NIHR Statistics Group Career Development Committee. This group runs events and provides resources for applied statisticians throughout their careers.
Gordon joined the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ in 2018. His statistical interests are in clinical trials methodology and in prognostic modelling and diagnostic testing. His work in clinical trials is principally in stroke care and musculoskeletal conditions. He has extensive experience in modelling chronic conditions such as renal disease and diabetic retinopathy. He was part of the team that developed and refined the algorithm used to screen for diabetic retinopathy across Scotland. Gordon has worked extensively with the Aberdeen Maternity and Neonatal Databank on studies of cardiovascular disease in relation to obstetric events, complications of preeclampsia, and modes of delivery. Gordon has also conducted research into medical education and training, widening access to medical schools, and medical career progression. He has previously worked as a Medical Statistician at the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh and at the Institute of Occupational Medicine. His earliest research was into air pollution and cardiorespiratory health. In his previous post, Gordon led a postgraduate course on medical statistics years taken by MSc students of allied health professions. Leading this course for more than 10 years gave him the opportunity to revise and enhance the materials and evaluate engagement of students across many disciplines. This work provided the experience and evidence needed to become a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. At UCLan he mentors staff applying for this award.
- Deputy Director of ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2018
- PhD in Public Health, University of Aberdeen, 2005
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2003
- Chartered Statistician (CStat), Royal Statistical Society, 2000 (renewed 2019)
- MSc in Statistics, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1994
- BSc (Hons) in Mathematics, University of Bristol, 1993
- Aberdeen University Students’ Association Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award nomination, 2017
- Aberdeen University Students’ Association Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award nomination, 2016
- Glaxo MSc Scholarship, 1993
- Statistical modelling in medicine and health
- Clinical trials methodology
- Prognostic modelling
- Diagnostic testing
- Large observational cohorts
- Statistical pedagogy, innovation in teaching and learning
- Research into medical education
- Stroke care
- Musculoskeletal conditions
- Renal disease
- Diabetic retinopathy screening
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- NIHR Statistics Group
- NIHR Ophthalmic Statistics Group
- International Society for Bayesian Analysis
- International Society for Clinical Biostatistics
- Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Clinical Trials Unit
- Health Research Methodology Hub (HeRMI)
- ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Research Institute For Global HEalth and Wellbeing (LIFE)
- COMMITS (Confirming the mechanism of motivational interviewing therapy after stroke: a multi-centre RCT)
- IMPROVISE (Improving stroke care in India)
- Bayesian and hierarchical modelling of familial data on childbirth and labour
- MAMMOTH (Maintaining Musculoskeletal Health Study)
- CLAHRC North West Coast, 2019
- UKCAT, 2017
- Arthritis Research UK, 2015
- UKCAT, 2015
- Digital Health Institute, 2015
- Wellcome Trust 2014
- NHS Grampian Endowments, 2014
- Chief Scientist Office, 2012
- Chief Scientist Office, 2011 (x3)
- Acergy UK Limited, 2011
- Chief Scientist Office, 2008
- Arthritis Research Campaign, 2007
- Chief Scientist Office, 2006
- Kidney Research UK, 2005
- Chief Scientist Office, 2005 (x2)
- British Heart Foundation, 2004
- Chief Scientist Office, 2003
- British Lung Foundation, 2000
- Scottish Renal Registry, 1998
- Royal Statistical Society International Conference, 2018
- Committee of the Faculty of Public Health in Scotland Annual Conference, 2012
- BRS/RA Conference, 2011
- Bayesian Statistics Seventh Valencia International Meeting, 2002
Telephone:+44 (0) 1772 89 4997
Email: Email:Dr Gordon Prescott
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