Dr Tapas Sen
Tapas is currently a Reader in Nanomaterials Chemistry and leading the Nano-biomaterials Research group at UCLan. He is associated with three Research Centres at UCLan. He is passionate about teaching materials chemistry with physical aspects and doing cutting-edge research on Nano/ Nano-biomaterials Chemistry. He has supervised several PhDs, MPhil, MSc and BSc Chemistry students. He has established a track record by publishing high-quality research papers in collaboration with academic and industrial organisations across the Globe.
As a module leader, Tapas is responsible for several level 6 and 7 modules. He is the module leader of the dissertation research projects of BSc Hons in Chemistry and MSc in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. He is leading the Nano-biomaterials Research Group in Materials Science and is a member of the Functional Materials Research Group. He is associated with three of UCLan's Research Centres; Centre for Smart Materials, Centre for Drug Design & Development and Centre for Brain Barrier. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in UK. He has a foundation degree in project management (PRINCE II) endorsed by the UK government as the project management standard for public projects. He has a worldwide network and successfully chaired one International Symposium “Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academic–Industry Meet” at the University in 2016, and several International workshops at the UCLan campus. He is now the convenor of the 1st Virtual International symposium in July 2020. He is also the creator of at UCLan in collaboration with industries.
After completing his PhD in India, Tapas has been outside India since 1997. He worked in Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel from 1997 to 1999 in the world leading Solid-state NMR group as a post-doctoral visiting scientist. He then moved to UK in February 2000 and worked as a postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester (2000-2003) on an industrial project funded by ICI Synetix. He later worked on multimillion Euro projects under EU framework V and VI programmes (2003-2008) in Italy under Greenwich University, Kent University in UK before joining as a lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ in 2008. He was promoted to senior lecturer in 2010 followed by Reader in Nanomaterials Chemistry in 2015. He was the course leader for two MSc in Chemistry courses and MSc in Forensic Toxicology from 2013 to 2019. He was instrumental in successful accreditation of Forensic Toxicology course as a course leader and an active contributor of Undergraduate Chemistry both BSc Hons and MChem courses. His main research area is Nano/ Nano-biomaterials in chemical and bio-chemical applications.
- BSc. Hons in Chemistry 1989
- MSc in Physical Chemistry 1991
- PhD in Materials Chemistry, 1997
- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
- PGCHE, Kent University, UK 2009
- Hind Rattan Award (Indian Jewel) by NRI society, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2018
- Livesey Award (Sabbatical scheme) 2011-12
- ICI-Synetix Patent Quiz award during the 11th ISCT meeting, Sunderland Marriott Hotel, Seaburn, Nr Sunderland, UK, May 2001
- Feinberg Visiting Fellowship at Weizmann Institute of Science, Nov’97 to Nov’99
- Fellowship granted by University Grant Commission of India after qualifying the National Eligibility Test (NET) 1992-1997
- National (Indian) scholarship during M.Sc studies for securing 3rd position in the University (First 3 students were awarded) 1988-1991
- Nanoscience
- Nanotechnology
- Nanomedicine
- Nano-water
- Nano-catalysis
- Nano-biosensor
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in UK (FHEA)
- Editorial board members of several international peer-review high-impact journals such as Nature Scientific Reports, Biomedicine, International Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, Journal of Nanoparticles, International Scholarly Research Notices and Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research
Tapas is leading the Nano-biomaterials Research group at the University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ founded in 2008 when he moved from the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. The group is dedicated to researching nano / nano-biomaterials and their applications in separation science, nanomedicine, industrial catalysis and bio-sensors.
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Nano-biomaterials Research Group
- Design and development of highly efficient route for the deep photocatalytic decontamination of waste water with heavy metal ions and recalcitrant organics (Jan’18 to Dec’20): Project funded by Shanghai Government, China in collaboration with East China University of Science & Technology, China
- Multifunctional Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy (June 2017 to May 2020): Project funded by UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) and Department of Science and Technology (DST), India in collaboration with Indian partners (Delhi University and VP Chest Institute, New Delhi, India) with UK industrial partner (Hosokawa Micron Ltd. UK).
- Magnetic hyperthermia based drug delivery (Dec’13 to Nov’18): Project funded by Royal Society, UK and Nanoscale Biomagnetics SL, Spain to study magnetic hyperthermia for bio- catalysis and drug delivery
- Multifunctional hybrid nanocomposites for the separation of toxic and microbial contaminants from water (Aug’14 to Dec’16): Project funded by UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) and Department of Science and Technology (DST), India in collaboration with Indian partners (Tata Chemicals Ltd. and Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) with UK industrial partner (Feedwater Ltd.)
- Removal of toxic and valuable metal ions from soil and water contaminated with battery wastes (Sept’13 to Dec’16): One PhD thesis (Amritvir Kaur, University of California, Merced, USA) has been completed.
- Multifunctional Nanocomposites for the Separation of Pollutants from Industrial and Municipal Sewage Water (Dec’11-Dec’14)
- Collaborators: Prof Dongyuan Zhao (Editor, J. Mat. Chem. RSC), Fudan University China and Mr Gary Hogben (Technical Manager) Feedwater Ltd. UK, Prof. Glyn Morton, Dr Tim Mercer, Dr Justin Whitty from UCLan
- Immobilisation of biomolecules on magnetisable solid supports for applications in bio-catalysis and biosensors (Oct’10 to Sept’13): One PhD has successfully completed in Dec’13. Collaborator: Dr Boris Oberheitmann (CEO), Q-Bioanalytic, GmbH, Germany
- Identification of monolayer and multilayers patterned organic groups and single stranded DNA primers on flat and particulate materials by Atomic Force Microscope (Feb’13 to Dec’13): A postdoctoral fellow (Dr Erdal Sonmez) from Ataturk University, Turkey completed successfully and initiated a new project
- Enzyme immobilised hierarchically ordered porous silica for chiral catalysis (2011-2012) Royal Society of Chemistry small research grant
- Transition metal containing hierarchically ordered porous materials for oxidation catalysis (2010-2012) under summer internship and UG project scheme
- Immobilisation of enzyme in hierarchically ordered porous solid (2010-11) ) Royal society of Chemistry small research grant
- Core-shell bio-compatible superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for drug delivery (2009-2011) Collaborators: Dr Abdelbary Elhissi, Dr Tim Mercer at UCLan and Dr Morteza Mahmoudi, Pasteur Institute, Iran
- Development of biocompatible fluorescence nanoparticles (2009), Nuffield Foundation, UK, As a collaborator
- Surface Patterning of Nanoparticles in Suspension (2009-2011) EU Framework VI grant, completed as a collaborator
- Collaborator: Prof Ian James Bruce, Emeritus professor of University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- One month distinguish collaborative Programme £1500-2019
- URIS Summer Internship: 8 weeks fully paid £200/week (total £1600)-2019
- 2 years collaborative project (Jan’18-Jan’20) funded by Shanghai Government, China in collaboration with East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China, Total value: 0.5M CHN (£50K)-2018
- UCLan summer internship £2K-2017
- 3 years collaborative project funded by UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) and University Grant Commission (UGC), India in collaboration with Delhi University, VP Chest Institute, India and Hosokawa Micron Ltd., UK: Total value £215477-2017
- UKIERI for dissemination activity £11495-2016
- UCLan summer internship £2K-2016
- £15970 from 1st International Symposium-2016
- School of Forensic and Investigative strategic research fund 2014-15: £8.5k
- 2 years collaborative research project with Peking University China, funded by Shenzhen Government, China: Total value RMB 800K (£80K)=2014
- 2 years collaborative project funded by UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) and Department of Science and Technology (DST), India in collaboration with Tata Chemicals Ltd. India and Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India along with Feedwater Ltd. UK: Total value £144K-2014
- RSC instrument grant for magnetic hyperthermia, £14.96K as a part of a larger project (£55k)-2013
- School of Forensic and Investigative strategic research fund for REF 2014: £4.5k-2013
- UCLan Summer Intern scheme: £2K
- Royal Society of Chemistry small research grant: £1.94K (05th December 2011)
- Q-Bioanalytic, Germany, Partial PhD studentship: £15K (2011-2013) Date of award Sept’11
- UCLan China Collaborative Research Grant £108.3K (2011-2014) funded by UBTSL, Shenzhen and Fudan University
- Royal Society of Chemistry small research grant : £2K (date of award 12th December 2010)
- International Studentship Grant for PhD: £15K (2011-2014)
- UCLan Summer Intern scheme: £2K
- EU Framework VI (subcontractor): £20K (date of award November 2009)
- UCLan research equipment (RED) funding to buy mercury porosimeter: £55K
- UCLan summer Internship: £3K
- UCLan travel bursary scheme: £0.5K
- UCLan Summer internship: £2.5K
- Nuffield Foundation: £1.2K (June’09)
- Arnoux PhD bursary scheme: £12.5K
- Global Challenge Research Fund via Royal Society, UK in collaboration with Kumayun University, India, India (Total value £168K)
- UKIERI project with Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Khurja, India on Waste Management (Prof Karl Williams as PI and Dr Tapas Sen as Co-I from UCLan): Total value £120K
- First International Virtual Symposium: Second International Symposium "Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial & Clinical Applications: Academy-Industry-Clinicians Meet" July 2020
- First International Symposium "Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academy-Industry Meet" April 2016
- First International workshop on Magnetic Nanoparticles, August 2016