Dr Tina Gornall
Tina joined us in September 2014 and is currently Course Leader for BSc (Hons) Forensic Science, MSci Forensic Science and Chemical Analysis and MSci Forensic Science and Molecular Biology. She has a background in Physics, Forensic Science and Accident Investigation and has interests in crime scene footwear evidence and Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.
Tina is an Accredited Facilitator for Hydra Minerva – an immersive learning suite used to enhance decision-making - and runs interactive sessions for undergraduate and postgraduate Forensic Science and Policing students. Tina also helps to develop new Hydra scenarios for use within UCLan and for external clients in the fields of Emergency Planning, Child Protection, etc.
After graduating from the University of Sheffield with an MPhys Physics & Astronomy degree, Tina was employed as a Research Scientist at Dstl (Defence Science & Technology Laboratory), where she helped to develop a prototype Advanced Jamming System (AJS), conducting radar jamming trials at air bases across the UK and in the US. Tina was then employed as a Forensic Footwear Technician at 成人视频 Constabulary, where she identified and analysed all types of footwear evidence from suspects and the marks recovered from crime scenes. Tina has also worked as a Consultant Forensic Collision Investigator at GBB(UK) Ltd., which required her to carefully examine a wide variety of evidence relating to road traffic accidents. Before joining UCLan, Tina undertook a short research position at Lancaster University in the Department of Psychology, where she conducted trials using sociometric sensors to measure individual and interpersonal behaviours during social interactions.
- Course Leader Forensic Science
- PG Cert Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, University of Central 成人视频, 2016
- Ph.D. Forensic & Investigative Sciences, University of Central 成人视频, 2011
- M.Sc. Forensic & Investigative Sciences, University of Central 成人视频, 2003
- MPhys Physics & Astronomy, University of Sheffield, 2000
- Accident Investigation
- Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- Crime Scene Footwear Evidence
- Member of Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
- Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy
- STEM Ambassador
Tina’s MSc (by Research), entitled ‘A Spectroscopic Study of Paint', involved using a variety of analytical techniques in order to distinguish between forensic paint samples. Her Ph.D., entitled 'Catalytic Degradation of Waste Polymers', involved the thermal degradation of many types of waste plastic in the presence of different catalysts in an attempt to produce high-grade fuel. The analytical techniques utilised in this research included thermogravimetric analysis, IR spectroscopy, Py-GC-MS and SEM-EDX; all of which can be applied to the analysis of trace forensic evidence. Tina presented her Ph.D. results at a variety of internal and external conferences, including 'Analytical Research Forum 2006' in Cork and the 'First International Conference & Exhibition on Green Industry' in Bahrain. Tina attended the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Conference in Canada in 2016, in order to grow her knowledge in this area. She has since supervised practical BPA dissertation projects and is hoping to expand this area of research further. In relation to Tina's interest in immersive learning, she also hopes to strengthen links with other Hydra Minerva facilitators throughout the UK in order to build a collaborative academic community.
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts, 2016
- Foundation Year Network Conference, 2015
- First International Conference on Green Industry, 2006
- Analytical Research Forum, 2006
Telephone:+44 (0) 1772 894370
Email: Email:Dr Tina Gornall
Use the links below to view their profiles: