Dr Tony Graham
Senior Lecturer in Fire EngineeringSchool of Engineering and Computing
Tony teaches across school and at partner colleges from level 3 to level 7 but specialises in MSc taught courses and PhD supervision. He has 27 years teaching experience primarily in fire safety engineering and risk analysis.
Course Leader of MSc Fire Safety Engineering Teacher in UK and Hong Kong Research across fire and risk based engineering. Head of the CEFE (Combustion, Explosion and Fire Engineering) Group within the Engineering School.
Internal, external and chair of PhD exams. Mentor for AdvanceHE and CEng applications, plus reviewer of EPSRC grants. Paper reviewer for CIBSE.
- BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics Lancaster Uni 1993
- PhD Fire Engineering 1998
- CPhys CEng MIoP MIFireE MEI SFHEA member of combustion institute.
- Fire dynamics
- Building evacuation dynamics
- Risk dynamics
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- CEFE -as above
- Just starting up - TWITCH the UCLan evac model group
- Last grant was Nuffield Foundation back in 1998
- Current grant bidding underway
- Leeds 2010 Fire & Explosion Seminar