Dr Valerio Benedetto
Valerio is a Research Fellow in the Applied Health Research Hub and his research focuses on health economics.
Valerio is part of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Group, and works on health-related projects, focusing on economic and statistical analysis. His educational background is mainly in economics and statistics, and he has specialised in health economics.
Valerio is an economist and he has worked in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Central 成人视频 since 2015, with posts in the Research Support Team and now in the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Group. He is also a member of the Methodological Innovation, Development, Adaptation and Support (MIDAS) Theme, as part of the Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NWC). Valerio's expertise is in health economics and medical statistics and he has been involved in many projects in diverse disease areas - such as stroke, cancer and frailty - and settings - such as primary and secondary care, nursing education and prisons. His role entails the design and delivery of the economic and statistical components of health research projects and the development of bids for research funding. He has worked on projects funded by important research institutions, such as the National Institute for Health Research and the European Research Council, contributing to produce findings with implications for clinical practice. Examples are the economic and statistical work on: the costs and consequences attached to a new nursing education programme designed to fill a workforce gap; evaluating the effectiveness of using Exergames to prevent falls in older adults; modelling the adherence and persistence to new direct oral anticoagulants in treating atrial fibrillation. Valerio has a varied skillset in decision-analytic and statistical regression modelling and analysis. He has grown strong scientific publication and grant-capture records, and has contributed to disseminate the projects' findings in national and international conferences.
- PhD in Transport Economics and Regulation, University of Leeds, 2016
- MSc Economics, University of York, 2012
- Master's degree in Applied Economics and Economics Policies, University of Ferrara, 2010
- Undergraduate degree in Economics and Accounting, University of Bologna, 2007
- Health economics and modelling
- Health Technology Assessment
- Medical statistics
- Methodological Innovation, Development, Adaptation and Support (MIDAS) Theme
- National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (NIHR ARC NWC)
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Group
- Methodological Innovation, Development, Adaptation and Support (MIDAS) Group
- National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (NIHR ARC NWC)
- IMPROVing Stroke CarE in India (IMPROVISE)
- Global Greening of Prisons: Examining how horticulture programmes impact wellbeing
- SPUtNIk Trial - Accuracy and Cost-Effectiveness of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography in the Characterisation of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules
- Investigating the Detection of CRYPTogenic stroke (ID-CRYPT)
- Identifying and Improving End of Life Care for Stroke in Hospitals
- The Holistic Needs Assessment in Cancer Care: Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation
- Adherence and persistence to direct oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation
- Research at UCLan (2020), Preston, UK. Poster co-author and presenter
- 11th UK Stroke Forum Conference (2016), Liverpool, UK. Poster co-author and presenter
- 4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures (2015), Florence School of Regulation, San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence), Italy. Paper co-author and presenter
- Young Economists' Meeting (2015), Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Paper co-author and presenter
- 4th White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Economics Conference (2015), University of Leeds, UK. Paper co-author and presenter
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 89 4581
Email: Email:Dr Valerio Benedetto
Use the links below to view their profiles: