Professor Ewa Mazierska
Ewa was born and educated in Poland. In 1987, she finished her graduate education at Warsaw University, where she received a master鈥檚 degree in philosophy. In 1995, she received a PhD from 艁贸d藕 University in film studies. She was working in Poland as a lecturer in sociology and film journalist. In 1995, she relocated to Britain but retained close links in Poland, where she publishes regularly. In 1997, she started working full-time in British academia at UCLan and became a Professor in 2008. Ewa is the Research Coordinator for REF Unit 33. Her current projects concern the cinema of Roman Polanski after 'The Pianist' and Polish film music.
Ewa has published widely on various aspects of European and world cinemas from perspectives such as gender, representation of work, everyday life, cities and travel and political and cultural history. In total, she has published over twenty monographs and edited collections and numerous scholarly articles, published in film journals and those of other disciplines, such as 'Tourist Studies' and 'Science Fiction Studies'. She is also conducting research on popular music. Her current projects concern popular electronic music in Poland, from the 1970s to the present and Polish popular music and the moving image.
Her recent books are 'Polish Estrada Music: Organisation, Stars and Representation' (Routledge, 2023), 'Popular Polish Electronic Music, 1970–2020: A Cultural History' (Routledge, 2021), ‘Polish Popular Music on Screen’ (Palgrave, 2020), ‘Popular Viennese Electronic Music, 1990-2015’ (Routledge, 2019), ‘Popular Music in the Post-Digital Age: Politics, Economy, Culture and Technology’ (edited with Les Gillon and Tony Rigg, Bloomsbury, 2019), ‘Contemporary Cinema and Neoliberal Ideology’ (edited with Lars Kristensen, Routledge, 2018), 'From Self-Fulfilment to Survival of the Fittest: Work in European Cinema from the 1960s to the Present' (Berghahn, 2015) and 'Marx at the Movies: Revisiting History, Theory and Practice' (edited with Lars Kristensen, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). Her other books include 'Polish Cinema in a Transnational Context' (edited with Michael Goddard, Rochester Press, 2014), 'Work in Cinema: Labor and the Human Condition' (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 'Postcolonial Approaches to Eastern European Cinema: Portraying Neighbours On-Screen' (edited with Lars Kristensen and Eva Naripea, I. B. Tauris, 2014), 'European Cinema and Intertextuality: History, Memory and Politics' (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 'Nabokov's Cinematic Afterlife' (McFarland, 2011), 'Jerzy Skolimowski: The Cinema of a Nonconformist' (Berghahn, 2010), 'Masculinities in Polish, Czech and Slovak Cinema' (Berghahn, 2008), 'Roman Polanski: The Cinema of a Cultural Traveller' (I.B. Tauris, 2007), with El偶bieta Ostrowska, 'Women in Polish Cinema' (Berghahn, 2006) and with Laura Rascaroli, 'Crossing New Europe: The European Road Movie' (Wallflower Press, 2006), 'Dreams and Diaries: The Cinema of Nanni Moretti' (Wallflower Press, 2004) and 'From Moscow to Madrid: Postmodern Cities, European Cinema' (I.B. Tauris, 2003). Her work was translated into almost twenty languages, including French, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Serbian, Estonian and Korean.
Film serves her as a tool for exploring unknown histories and cultures, therefore she employs versatile methods and approaches, drawing on disciplines such as economy, tourist studies, sociology and history. She is especially interested in cross-cultural phenomena, such as the work of émigré directors, road cinema, heterotopian films and adaptations of the prose of Vladimir Nabokov. She co-edited several volumes devoted to the interface between Marxism and film. She also published a collection of short stories, ‘Neighbours and Tourists’ (Adelaide Books, 2019), which received Grand Prize in Eyelands Book Awards competition and over 50 short stories in various literary magazines.
Ewa is principal editor of the journal 'Studies of Eastern European Cinema', published by Routledge, and on the editorial boards of several journals. She received grants from the Leverhulme Trust and AHRC, as well as from the Polish Film Institute, Polish History Museum and Noble Foundation. She has guest lectured in many countries and was invited to numerous film festivals. In 2010 she curated a retrospective of Jean-Luc Godard’s film at the ENH Festival in Wroclaw, one of the largest retrospectives of Godard cinema ever presented.
- Subject Areas: Film and Media
- Popular music
- Guest editing of special issues of academic journals: 'Popular Music History', VOL 11, NO 1 (2016) and Eastern European Music in an International Context (with Zsolt Gyori)
- 'Framework', Dossier: Marking Political Cinema, vol. 55, No 1, 2014.
- 'Framework', Dossier: Working Life Now and Then, vol. 53, No 1, 2012.
- 'Kinokultura' (with Eva Naripea and Mari Laaniste), special issue on Estonian Cinema, 2010
- 'Tourist Studies' (with John Walton), special issue devoted to tourism and the moving image, vol. 6, No 1, 2006.
- 'Kwartalnik Filmowy', special issue devoted to British cinema, No 52, 2005.
- 'Film na 艣wiecie', special issue about Eric Rohmer, No 403, 2002.
- Editorial Boards:
- Studies in Eastern European Cinema (Principal Editor)
- Frames
- Alphaville
- Baltic Screen Media Review
- Kwartalnik Filmowy
- Studia Pedagogiczno-Artystyczne
- Panoptikum
- Kino-Ikon
- Open Cultural Studies
- Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies
- Za艂膮cznik Kulturoznawczy
- Editorial advice to publishers Bloomsbury, Palgrave Macmillan, Berghahn, Edinburgh University Press, Intellect, Pluto, Routledge and Amsterdam University Press (editor of the series Eastern European Screen Cultures) and journals 'Business History', 'Music, Sound, and the Moving Image', 'Screen', 'New Cinemas', 'Slavic Review', 'Studies in European Cinema', 'Mortality', 'Adaptation', 'Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television', 'Tourist Studies', 'Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change',' Feminist Media Studies', 'Women's Studies International Forum', 鈥楩ilm-Philosophy鈥, 鈥楬ome Cultures鈥 and 鈥業nternational Journal of Media & Cultural Politics鈥.
- Ewa was External Examiner for a film programme at Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Liverpool and Leicester University. She supervised and examined over 30 PhD theses, in the UK and abroad, in countries such as Denmark, Spain, Poland, Estonia and Lithuania.
Ewa is the school’s research lead, REF UoA 33 coordinator and co-chair of MusicResearch@UCLan and is active within the area of journalism, media theory and practice.
Current research and supervision:
- Contemporary European cinema, including cinemas of Eastern Europe and British cinema,
- Representation of cities and travel in film,
- Gender,
- Science-fiction cinema,
- Transnational cinema,
- Marxism and film,
- Representation of the North of England,
- Popular electronic music
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- Current project: Polish popular electronic music
Telephone:+44 (0) 1772 89 3025
Email: Email:Professor Ewa Mazierska
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