Dr Jean Khalil
Jean is an academic in the field of mechanical engineering, specifically industrial and production engineering. Jean's main scope of interest goes to the maintenance and reliability science with its related functions like condition monitoring techniques and fault diagnosis. In terms of research work, Jean is also interested in decision support within industrial and production engineering. On a different track Jean is also interested in the area of mechanical vibration and vibration analysis.
Jean teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He supervises research projects for postgraduate students. As importantly, he conducts and publishes research work.
Since getting his PhD and until present, Jean pursued his academic career in maintenance engineering in every term, namely teaching undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses, performing and publishing research work, co-supervising master degree research, development of curricula/laboratories, delivering training to industry personnel, supervising graduation projects, managing and supervising students training placements.
Beside his dedication to the specific subject, Jean worked on teaching and/or research within other mechanical engineering subjects namely, mechanical vibrations, vibration analysis, engineering drawing, computer aided design, automotive technology/maintenance, data processing, and manufacturing technologies.
On a different account Jean has a good deal of industrial experience, this is due to the interaction that he always had with the sector since 1995. That includes but is not limited to: performing consultancy visits and writing reports to industrial sites, training personnel and supervising students who are undergoing their compulsory placement semesters.
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Nottingham, Mar 2005
- Bachelor B Eng/Hons in Mechanical Engineering, De Montfort University, Jun 1999
Jean is very enthusiastic about the application of modern schools of research onto the subject of maintenance management and engineering. It is believed that the future of the field should involve improved predictive maintenance at lowered costs. This is not only achievable by bringing down the costs of hardware, but also and probably more importantly by the implementation of techniques like pattern recognition; networking, intercommunication and processing of machine health data (Industry IV) and so forth.
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