Jennifer Kuroski
Jenni is currently working on the MRC funded C-Safe trial which seeks to optimise maternal and perinatal outcomes through safe and appropriate caesarean sections in low- and middle-income countries. Jenni is also a final year PhD Student at Edge Hill University where her project explores the lived experiences of aunts & uncles supporting parents of autistic children and young adults. She has previously worked on a wide range of healthcare research.
In her current role Jenni works as a Research Associate supporting the C-Safe project. C-Safe seeks to develop, implement, and evaluate a multi-faceted interventional package (C-Safe) targeting healthcare professionals, pregnant women, families, communities and health systems to reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity following caesarean section (CS) in Iow- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial with mixed methods evaluation. Jenni also provides training around research methods.
Jenni started working as a Senior Research Assistant in the Research Support Team in October 2021. She worked on a range of projects including: improving stroke care in India (IMPROVISE trial), assessing early supported discharge for late pre-term infants (NEST@Home), Confirming the Mechanism of Motivational Interviewing Therapy after Stroke (COMMITS trial), peer support for women who have experience relational trauma (systematic review), Psychological interventions for weight reduction (scoping review) and a programme evaluation of the student wellbeing ambassador scheme here at the University.
Jenni started her PhD at Edge Hill University in 2018 as part of the Graduate Teaching Assistant scheme. Her PhD focuses on the lived experiences of aunts & uncles in supporting parents of autistic children and young adults. Preliminary findings were presented at the International Association for Relationship Research conference in 2020. At Edge Hill she also obtained her D2 Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and gained experience teaching on the Child and Adolescent Mental Health course including modules such as Research Methods, Child Development, Attachment & Family function and World Cafes.
Jenni previously worked in the School of Dentistry (2016-2018) on the Dental Education Centre (DEC) Impact Project. This project is investigated how the University's unique approach to dental education has impacted upon the dental students, the dental supervisors, dental nurses, patients and the communities in which they are based. Jenni received training from the Social Research Association on Qualitative Interviewing in order carry out a number of studies in this project. This project involved a range of proposed studies which involved interviewing participants and statistically analysing data. Jenni has presented the findings of the study at Research Evenings and our Centre For Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) conference. Jenni has also prepared and submitted research funding applications for the NIHR and SEDA.
Jenni has previously worked as a Graduate Intern following completion of her BSc (Hons) Psychology at UCLan in 2015. This project explored the link between visual attention and reading skills in dyslexic adults with a particular focus on the Redundant Target Effect using E-Prime software.
- PhD (Health) The Lived Experiences of Aunts & Uncles in Supporting Parents of Autistic Children and Young Adults: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Study, Edge Hill University, In Progress.
- Postgraduate Certificate of teaching in Higher Education, Edge Hill University, 2020.
- BSc (Hons.) Psychology, University of Central 成人视频, 2015.
- Autism
- Family support
- Maternity care
- Psychology
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (D2, HEA)
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- C-Safe: Optimising maternal and perinatal outcomes through safe and appropriate caesarean sections in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC)
- International Association for Relationship Research, 2020
- Centre For Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Conference, 2017
- Centre For Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Conference, 2018
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 894944
Email: Email:Jennifer Kuroski
Use the links below to view their profiles: