Dr Komali Kantamaneni
Komali Kantamaneni is a coastal scientist. Her research focuses mainly on coastal vulnerability, natural disasters, natural hazards, climate change, water infrastructure and GIS mapping. Komali is also the Theme Lead on Climate Change, Natural Hazards & Disasters, Coastal and Environmental Management.
Komali's other roles include:
- GRACE (transdisciplinary research centre) Co-Chair
- Race Equality Network (REN) Academic Board Member
- Co-Director - UN (United Nations)
- SPIDER-RSO UK Regional Support Office
Komali is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (UCLan), United Kingdom.
Komali completed her PhD at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Swansea, entitled Assessing coastal vulnerability: development of a combined physical and economic index. Her research produced, for the first time, a combined vulnerability assessment based on physical science parameters and economic drivers. She holds an MBA in Business Studies from Cardiff Metropolitan University, and MSc in Environmental Sciences and a BSc in Biology from Acharya Nagarjuna University, India. Her academic background gives her different perspectives, and she engages with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects such as coastal and water infrastructures, natural disasters, risk assessment and management.
She has been plenary/keynote and invited speaker and presenter at many major international conferences and evaluator for various coastal and maritime research projects. She is widely published and organised international conferences/webinars.
She is a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator to a number of international research projects.
Komali is accepting PhD candidates interested in the broad topics of coastal vulnerability, climate change, natural hazards and disasters, water infrastructure and GIS. Please get in touch if interested.
Keynote + Plenary Talk
Keynote/Special Talk- webinar on importance of satellite and drone data in the fields of coastal vulnerability, agriculture and fisheries in India and Philippines- Nov 2020
- Keynote Talk – International Symposium (online) on climate change and disasters– August 2020
- Plenary Speaker – UCL -Newton fund Workshop – 2018
Invited Talks – International
- The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022)- Nov- China
- Invited talk on coastal vulnerability– Central University, Tamilnadu, India Feb 2022
- Invited talk on research ethics – Central University, Tamilnadu, India ( Feb 2022)
- Invited talk on coastal vulnerability and mitigation - Amrita University, Tamilnadu, India (Feb 2021)
- The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)- Nov- China.
- Invited talk on agricultural vulnerability in coastal areas talk for Gangadhar Meher University, Odisha, India- Sept – 2020 (Online).
- The 6th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2020)- Tokyo, Japan
- School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada- Nov-2019, India
- KL University, Vijayawada, Nov-2019, India
- 8th International Conference on Urban water management – 2019, India
- 3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment- 2017, China
- 3rd world congress –disaster risk reduction conference- 2017, India
Invited Talks- National
- Surrey University – 2019
- University College London – 2018
- University College London – 2017
- Solent University (Business School)- 2017
- Solent University (Business School)- 2017
Conference Chair
- An international conference on resilient and liveable city planning, Vijayawada, 2021
- The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)- Nov- China
- United Nations (UNOOSA) conference on natural disasters and spatial applications – Nov- 2020
- 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment- 2020, Japan
- 8th International Conference on Urban water management – 2019, India
- 3rd world congress –disaster risk reduction conference- 2017, India
- 9th Ninth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses -2017, UK
Editor/Editorial Board
- Topic Editor – Journal of Sustainability (MDPI)
- Associate Editor and Board Member - Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Nature Springer)
- Associate Editor and Board Member – Palgrave Communications ( Nature Springer)
- Associate Editor and Board Member – SN Business and Economics (Nature Springer)
- Special issue Editor for the Sustainability Journal - MDPI (2019-2020)
International Committee + Scientific + Technical Committee Member
- Hydrospace GEOGloWs- European Space Agency – June 2021
- The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)- Nov- China
- International committee member for an international conference on resilient and liveable city planning, Vijayawada, 2021
- International technical programme committee member for 6th WRE- Conference -2020
- International technical committee member for 5th WRE- Conference -2019
Reviewer Experience – Journals (Selected)
- Reviewer: Nature Communications- Nature
- Reviewer: Journal of Scientific Review – Nature
- Reviewer: Palgrave Communications – Nature/Nature Springer
- Reviewer: Journal of Environmental Management
- Reviewer: Journal of Science of the Total Environment
- Reviewer: Journal of Coastal Engineering
- Reviewer: Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management
- Reviewer: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering | ASCE (American Society Of Civil Engineers)
- Reviewer: Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
- Reviewer: Journal of Water
- Reviewer: Journal of Geosciences
- Reviewer: Journal of Sustainability
- Reviewer: International Journal of Environmental Research
- Theme Lead
- Co-Director- United Nations - SPIDER- UK Regional Support Office
- Ph.D. –Coastal Engineering + Environmental Science - University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Swansea, UK - (Awarded -2017)
- M.Sc. - Environmental Sciences - Acharya Nagarjuna University, India
- B.Sc. - Biology - Acharya Nagarjuna University, India
- M.B.A - Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK
- PGCLTHE(Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education) – Solent University – 2020
- Research Excellence Award for 2018- Solent University
- Emerging Scholar Award – Interdisciplinary- Japan -2018
- Emerging Scholar Award – Climate Change – UK -2017
- Water Award - 2017
- Recent Achievements
- Participated in the three British Council funded workshops ( May -June, Sept, Nov- 2021)
- Contributed to 2021 REF (Research Excellence framework)
- Chaired the 3rd session of United Nations Conference (Space based technologies for disaster risk reduction) which was held on 24-25th Nov-2020 (online).
- Delivered a Keynote/Special Talk on the importance of satellite and drone data in the fields of coastal vulnerability, agriculture and fisheries in India and Philippines- Webinar – 21st Nov 2020
- Delivered a presentation on lived experiences of engaging with policy at BAME researchers and the UK Parliament event (online)-29/09/2020.
- Delivered a talk on coastal erosion vulnerability at the United Nations symposium on Space Applications for Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action. 1-3 Sept 2020.
- Research Interests/ Research Areas Of Specialisation
- Coastal engineering/vulnerability & coastal management
- Climate Change and Natural disasters
- Development of vulnerability maps
- Natural Hazards and Risk Assessment
- Water infrastructure
- Sustainability Development (Working on UN sustainability goals, G6,11,13,14 and 15)
- Research methods
- Environmental Management
- Co-Director UN (United Nations), SPIDER-RSO UK, Regional Support Office
- Professional Membership
- FHEA- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Regional Studies Association
- Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
- European Geosciences Union
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Evaluation of coastal vulnerability of Anoi Itam, Sabang Island to climate change and marine plastic waste: An integrated approach- British Council Funded Project (Approx.-£10,000) (Current)- PI
- Mapping marine litter pathways and sea-level rise in Indonesia- (British Council Funded Project) (Approx.-£10,000 (Current) –Co-I
- Changing local community perception of plastic pollution for a sustainable future- British Council Funded Project -(Approx.-£10,000) (Current)- Co-I
- Assessment of Combined physical and social coastal vulnerability of a Quang Nam Province, Vietnam- British Council Funded Project- (Approx.-£11,000) -(Current)- Deputy PI
- Assessment of the climate change impact on worker thermal comfort and energy consumption inside Egyptian MSMEs - British Council Funded Project- (Approx.- 9,000) (Current) -Co-I
- Assessing combined coastal vulnerability of South Asia (Multi National Project) GCRF (Global Research Challenging Research FUND/GRANT) –Budget: £90,000 (2018-2021) -PI
- Global TanDEM-X Science Plan: Comparative analysis of EO data for flood modelling over low-lying coastal plains project. (TanDEM-X DEM Data support) (2018-2021) -CO-I
- Rethinking Healthy City in the post-COVID19 Era: Exposure, Mobility and Inequality" workshop- British Council Funded Workshop - Publication support (Approx.- £2,000)- Principal Author
- Assessing combined physical and social riverine vulnerability of the Ganges, India. UCLan Seedcorn Fund (Approx.-£5,000) (Current)- PI
- A Complex Systems approach to peri-urban development for climate resilience and just futures in the Global South- UCL Research Fund- (Approx. £10,000) –- (Current)- Collaborative Academic Expert
- Kantamaneni, K (2022) – UN- 7th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP 2022)- Stakeholder Engagement 25th -27th May 2022 (Virtual).
- Impacts of Contaminated Water on Children’ (ICWC) UCL project workshop- 24th May – 2022 (virtual). Attended the workshop
- Kantamaneni, K (2022). Appraisal of coastal disasters’ impact on women in urban slums: A new index. World Metrological and Whether Society conference. Feb 26th – 11th March 2022 (virtual event)
- Kantamaneni, K (2021).Coastal disasters impact on different genders. British Council funded workshop on China-UK Workshop on Mitigation and Adaptation to Minimise Urban Heat Island. 10-12th December 2021. (Virtual)
- Kantamaneni, K (2021). Coastal Agricultural Vulnerability. British Council funded workshop on Brazil-UK Workshop on Sustainable agri-food systems: Silenced alternatives, invisible pathways? 10. 14, and 16th Dece-2021 (Virtual).
- Kantamaneni, K (2021). Coastal Agricultural Vulnerability: Global South. British Council funded workshop on China-UK Workshop on Crop Disease Monitoring and Forecasting based on Multi-source Information Fusion and Big data- 9-10th Dec-2021. Loughborough University, UK.
- Conference Contributions (Presentations-Selected) & Other Presentations
- Kantamaneni, K (2021). Climate change and cyclone trends in Indian coastal states. 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021)- Nov- China (virtual)
- Kantamaneni, K (2021). Appraisal of coastal disasters impact on women in urban slums: A new index.
- Indonesia-UK Workshop on reduction of climate change impact on flood risk in urban areas- 29 June - 02 July 2021(virtual)
- Kantamaneni, K (2021). Coastal vulnerability and mitigation. Invited talk/Amrutha University, Kerala, India. Feb 24th 2021 (Virtual).
- Kantamaneni, K (2020). Coastal erosion vulnerability -UK. United Nations Symposium -1-3 Sept 2020.
- Kantamaneni, K (2019). Coastal vulnerability and Natural disasters- British Council workshop – August-2019. Wuhan, China.
- Kantamaneni, K (2019). Climate and Coastal vulnerability- British Council workshop – August-2019. Russia
- Invited talk GCRF Project– Surrey University – May 2019
- Kantamaneni, K. (2019). Assessing coastal vulnerability. Research seminar/Invited Talk. UCL
- Kantamaneni, K. (2018). Assessing coastal vulnerability of South Asia- British Council and Newton fund workshop- Nottingham, UK
- Kantamaneni, K. (2018).Evaluation of coastal vulnerability of the United Kingdom, British Council and Newton fund workshop- China, UK
- .Kantamaneni, K., Phillips, M., Jenkins, R., Xiaoping, D., Umaporn, M. (2017). Climate Change and Coastal Vulnerability Assessment: A Physical Perspective. Ninth International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Responses. 21-22 April 2017. Cambridge, 2017, UK (Presentation).
- Gadupudi. C.K., Kantamaneni, K. (2017). Climate Change and Human Health Issues: A Case of South India. Ninth International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Responses. 21-22 April 2017. Cambridge, 2017, UK (Presentation).
- Kantamaneni, K., Ibrahim, A., Umaporn, M. (2017). Public Views on Coastal Disasters. Ninth International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Responses. 21-22 April 2017. Cambridge, 2017, UK (Presentation)
- Kantamaneni, K. (2016). Appraisal of Coastal Vulnerability to Climate Change. 11th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 2-4 August 2016. Imperial College London. (Presentation)
- Penaluna, K., Penaluna, A., Matlay, Harry., Polenakovikj, R., & Kantamaneni, K. (2016). Riverside Capital: A Boon or Bane? 11th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 2-4 August 2016. Imperial College London. (Presentation)
- Xiaoping, D., Huadong, G., Xiangtao. F., Zhenzhen, Y., Kantamaneni, K., & Junjie, Z. (2015). A Novel Method to Improve Coastal Flood Modelling Using Publicly Available DEM. CRS 2015: The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing - Fostering Resilient Growth in Asia. 9-23 October 2015. Manila, Philippines. (Presentation)
- Kantamaneni, K., Phillips, M., & Jenkins, R., & Xiaoping, D. (2015). Climate Change and Hurricanes: A Case of United Kingdom, Conference on Advances in Atmospheric Science and Applications. 8-12 June 2015, European Space Agency, Greece (Poster)
- Kantamaneni, K., Phillips, M., & Jenkins, R. (2015). Catastrophic Climate Change Turning Britain into a Hurricane Hotspot? 7th International conference on climate change, 11-12 April 2015, Canada (Presentation)
- Alrashed, I., Kantamaneni, K., & Phillips, M. (2015). The Impact of Building Contract Types on Estimating Tenders’ value in Saudi Arabia, 8th Student Conference , 31 Jan – 1 Feb 2015, Imperial College London, London (Presentation)
- Kantamaneni, K., Alrashed, I., & Phillips, M. (2014). A Novel Design for Tornado Proof Homes. Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research. 28 July – 9 Aug 2014, Beijing, China (Presentation)