Dr Les Humphreys
Les’s teaching at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ focusses mainly on research methods with a particular focus on quantitative research methods. With a particular expertise in the substantive and interconnected areas of violence, domestic violence, sentencing, gender, and policing, Les's scholarship has led to several projects funded by various organisations including the Economic and Social Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the Ministry of Justice, and the Home Office.
Many of these past and current projects are collaborations with colleagues in other universities including Edinburgh University, Lancaster University, and City University London. Has also continues to work with colleagues at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Constabulary. Les also supervises postgraduate projects on violence, domestic violence, sentencing, gender, policing, and more generally criminological projects that use quantitative methods.
Les is a Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice and Policing, and is the Programme Lead for the Masters in Criminal Justice in the School. He is also Deputy Lead of the Policing Strand of the Criminal Justice Partnership and lead for Continuing Professional Development in the School.
As Programme Lead for the Masters in Criminal Justice, Les is responsible for the organisation and management of the course and for issues related to assessments. He is also responsible for providing academic support to students on the course. In his role as also Deputy Lead of the Policing Strand of the Criminal Justice Partnership he works with the Lead to provide and implement strategies that enable and encourage impactful research, knowledge exchange and training for criminal justice researchers and practitioners. In his role as lead for Continuing Professional Development he is responsible for producing a curriculum of courses that meet the needs of staff in the School and wider faculty, as well as for external researchers and practitioners such as the police.
Les joined ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ in 2021 as a Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice and Policing. After completing his undergraduate degree at Lancaster University, he then went on to complete his PhD on the criminal careers of deceptive offenders also at Lancaster University in 2004. Les then spent 10 years working as a Research Associate (Senior since 2008) in the Maths and Stats Department where he was involved in a large number of externally funded criminological projects and projects concerned with developing quantitative research methodology. Whilst in the Maths and Stats department he also taught quantitative and statistical methods to postgraduates and early career researchers. The funded projects Les has jointly run are all tied by taking a longitudinal/life-course methodological approach and he has applied this approach to number of substantive topics such as deception, organised crime, and understanding crime trends. Projects include the development of an offending risk tool used by the Probation Service and the National Offender Management Service; research into gender and ethnic bias in sentencing in Brazilian courts; and understanding the criminal careers of organised criminals. Les has also been co-investigator on two ESRC funded national programmes (the National Centre for Research Methods and Applied Quantitative Methods Network) aimed at developing capacity for quantitative research in the social sciences and developing new methods for quantitative research. Since 2017 Les’s substantive research interests have revolved around domestic abuse, violence, gender, and policing and he is currently a Co-Investigator on the £7million VISION project funded by the Medical Research Council that aims to reduce the violence that harms health by improving the measurement and analysis of data on violence.
- Deputy Lead Policing Strand of the Criminal Justice Partnership
- Ph.D. Criminology ‘The Criminal Careers of Recidivist Deceptors’
- Lancaster University, 2003, External: Professor Ken Pease
- BA (Hons) Combined Criminology and Independent Studies
- Lancaster University, 1999
- Domestic abuse
- Violence
- Gender
- Policing
- Sentencing
- The application of quantitative methods to research into criminal justice
- Member of the European Society of Criminology
- Visiting Lecturer: City University, London
- Peer Reviewer for:Journal of Quantitative Criminology; European Journal of Criminology; ESRC Grants; Journal of Political Criminology; Australian Institute for Criminology
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Criminal Justice Partnership: UCLan Connect Centre: UCLan
- 2021 – present Walby, Others including Humphreys, L. (Co-investigator). UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP), Violence, Health and Society Consortium. Medical Research Council £5,000,000
- 2017 – 2018 Barlow, C., Walklate, S., Johnson, K., Humphreys, L. (Consultant), Kirby, S. Police Officer Responses to Coercive Control. N8 Catalyst Small Grant Award £23,830
- 2015 – 2016 Butler, M., Humphreys, L. (Co-investigator), Webb, T. To what extent has student feedback led to a change in curriculum design? Lancaster University FASS Early Career Small Grant Award £3,524
- 2013 – 2017 McVie, S et.al. including Humphreys, L (Co-investigator) Applied Quantitative Methods Network, Phase 2 (AQMEN II). ESRC £3 million
- 2012 – 2012 Francis, B., Humphreys, L. (Co-investigator), Kirby, S., & Soothill, K. Criminal Careers in Organised Crime. Home Office: 60K
- 2010 – 2011 Francis, B., Humphreys, L. (Co-investigator), Cano, I. Gender and Ethnic bias in sentencing – a study using Brazilian microdata. ESRC Pathfinder research project. ESRC: £55K
- 2009 – 2012 May-Chahal, C., Reith, G., Francis, B., Clifton, A., Anderson, J., Humphreys, L. (Senior Research Associate), Patton, K. Tracking Vulnerability and Resilience in Gambling Crime Careers. ESRC: 369K
- 2009 – 2012 May-Chahal, C., Reith, G., Francis, B., Wilson, A., Humphreys, L. (Senior Research Associate). Tracking vulnerability and resilience – Gambling careers in the criminal justice system. ESRC £360K
- 2008 – 2012 Francis, B., Berridge, D., Diggle, P., Firth, D., Gayle, V., Humphreys, L. (Senior Research Associate), Lewis, C., Solis-Trapala, I., Soothill, K., Strand, S. Developing Statistical Modelling in the Social Sciences, National Centre for Research Methods Phase 2 Lancaster-Warwick-Stirling Node. ESRC £1,200K
- March 2008 – September 2008 Walby, S., Francis, B., Armstrong, J., Humphreys, L. (Co-investigator). A Review of Equality Statistics. Equalities and Human Rights Commission £53K
- 2007 Sapey, B., Stewart, J., Donaldson, G., Humphreys, L. (Research Associate) The Social Implications of Wheelchair Use. NHS Executive North West R & D Directorate 81K.
- 2006 – 2007 Francis, B., Harman, J., Humphreys, L. (Research Associate). Factors affecting reoffending in Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Office) £11K
- 2005 – 2008 Francis, B., Berridge, D., Copas, J., Diggle, P., Firth,D., Lewis, C., Penn, R., Soothill, K., Humphreys, L. (Research Associate) Developing Statistical Modelling in the Social Sciences, National Centre for Research Methods Lancaster-Warwick Node. ESRC £926K
- 2005 – 2007 Francis, B., Soothill, K., Humphreys, L. (Research Associate). OGRS3- A new measure of reoffending based on PNC data (Home Office) £15K
- 2005 – 2007 Francis, B., Soothill, K., Humphreys, L. (Research Associate). Developing measures of Severity and Frequency for reconviction data (Home Office) £35K
- 2004 Jones, C., Kemp, B., Humphreys, L. (Research Associate). EDNER+: Information Environment Formative Evaluation (JISC).
- See info in 'Research Projects' section