Matt Thurston
Matt is a language and academic skills specialist who is responsible for the Language Academy and Worldwise Centre within the School.
Matt's current role encompasses leadership of the Language Academy, Worldwise and academic support teams situated in the School. Together these teams provide a range of language and academic support services to students across the university, as well as operating a range of income generating of programmes. These programmes rage from language courses provided to overseas partners, to CPD programmes offered to the wider community.
Matt has taught for a number of years in both China and Singapore, joining UCLan in 2017. A specialist in both language and academic preparation courses, Matt is particularly interested in language assessment and also the challenges faced by Chinese learners. In his current role, Matt has led the development of the Language Academy, broadening the scope of its activities, and adapting to changes in the international market. Recently, Matt has taken on the additional responsibility of the Worldwise centre.
- Grad. Cert. tertiary Teaching, James Cook University, 2013
- MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL, University of Leicester, 2013
- CELTA, Cambridge University, 2004
- MA Development Studies, University of East Anglia, 2002
- BA (Hons.) United States Studies, University of Essex, 2001
- Academic Literacy, Learner Motivation, Academic Skills
Matt is currently pursuing action research related to the pilot of an Academic Literacy programme at UCLan.
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