Dr Monika Barbara Gam偶a
Monika is research active within the area of physics and chemistry of strongly correlated electron systems, specialising in the design, synthesis and characterisation of novel materials for both fundamental research and energy applications.
Monika is leading the Exploratory Materials Synthesis and Characterization Group at UCLan and she is acting as a Lab Manager for the Synthetic Solid State Physics Laboratories. She is teaching and supervising students on the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degree programmes, specialising in the areas of solid-state physics and materials science.
Following degrees in Physics obtained from the University of Silesia in Poland, Monika moved to the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Germany where she worked on various projects related to physics and chemistry of intermetallic compounds, with special emphasis on magnetism and superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems. In August 2011, Monika moved to Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA to pursue different strands of research into strongly correlated materials, including the study on quantum criticality in d-electron systems and investigations of electronic correlation effects in narrow gap insulators. Before joining UCLan, Monika worked for 1.5 years as a postdoctoral researcher at Royal Holloway, University of London, on a project entitled 鈥淔ermi surface instabilities and quantum order under pressure鈥, headed by dr F. Malte Grosche from Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. In January 2015 Monika joined the University of Central 成人视频 as a Lecturer in Physics. She is currently contributing to the teaching of undergraduate physics courses and starting a new research group in the field of design, synthesis and characterisation of strongly correlated electron systems.
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Central 成人视频, September 2018
- PhD in Physics, specialization: Condensed Matter Physics (Dissertation defended with honours), University of Silesia, Poland, 2009
- Master of Arts in Physics (First Class Honours, within 5% of the best graduates), University of Silesia, Poland, 2004
- Crystal growth
- Magnetism
- Electronic band structure of solids
- Strongly correlated electron systems
- Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
- Member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP)
- Member of the American Physical Society
- Member of the Polish Physical Society
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Exploratory Materials Synthesis and Characterization Group
- Theory-assisted search for novel itinerant magnets
- Structural instabilities and quantum order in strongly correlated electron systems
- Synthesis and characterization of novel MAX phases
- First-principles study on mechanical and electronic properties of novel MAX phases
- Higher Education Infrastructure Fund, 2018
- Seed Corn Funding for Early Stage Researchers, 2017
- Learning and Teaching Development Grant, 2017
- Royal Society Research Grant, 2016
- University Equipment Fund, 2016
- Max-Planck Society Fellowship, 2011
- DAAD Scholarship for Young Researchers, 2010
- Max-Planck Society Fellowship, 2009
- Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, 2007
- Research Grant of the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), Poland, 2005
- CRIM 2019: Recent Advances in Antiferromagnetism, 2019
- Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials 2019
- Frontiers in CMP 2019
- Solid Compounds of Transition Elements Conference, 2018
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Conference, 2017
- Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting and UK-Korea workshop on strongly correlated electron systems and IOP Magnetism-TCM joint group symposium, 2017
- RAMS Conference, 2016
- Magnetism Conference, 2016
- DPG (Spring Meeting) conference, 2016
- SR User Meeting, 2015
- RAMS Conference, 2015
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Conference, 2014
- Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting, 2014
- APS March Meeting, 2013
- 鈥淵oung Researcher Symposium鈥, 2012
- APS March Meeting, 2012
- European Conference Physics of Magnetism, 2011
- HASYLAB User鈥檚 Meeting, 2011
- 75th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting, 2011
- DPG Spring Meeting, 2010
- 3rd International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationship in Solid State Materials, 2010
- Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron for Extreme Conditions Studies - HSC12, 2010
- 17th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, 2010
- Workshop on Principles and Design of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, 2010
- DPG Spring Meeting, 2009
- European School on Magnetism, 2009
- Quantum Criticality and Novel Phases, 2009
- DFT meets Solid State Chemistry & 8th Tutorial Hands-on-FPLO, 2009
- The KKR and Spectroscopy 鈥 hands on course, 2009
- VII Katowicko-Krakowskie Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, 2008
- 5th International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials, 2007
- New Materials For Magnetoelectronics Conference, 2006
- EPS - 21st General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, 2006
- New materials for magnetoelectronics, 2005
- Workshop on Anomalous Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Electron Materials, 2005
- Physics of Magnetism Conference, 2005
- Krakowsko-Katowickie Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, 2005