Nigel Garratt
Nigel is a member of the School鈥檚 Executive Team and is involved in a wide array of functions within the school providing professional, collaborative leadership and management, whilst striving for and ensuring the achievement of excellent standards, evaluating performance and engendering a culture of co-operation and respect. He effectively coordinates the School鈥檚 activities in relation to, business development planning, international development and delivery, domestic and international partnerships and enterprise and employability.
Nigel's role within the School of Medicine here at UCLan, requires him to identify, develop, collaborate and work with partners internal and external to enable UCLan to exploit the growth opportunities available to us. Within this development Nigel always works to facilitate, enable and establish our provision, he leads many areas within the school and these areas growth and key in the journey to becoming increasingly commercial and fundamental in this evolution has been the development of strategy and business approaches. In order to achieve this, he has had to be increasingly innovative and take many novel approaches to the exchange of knowledge with staff, students, partners, industry(s) and businesses (both large and small), regionally, nationally and internationally. This has been accomplished by working from within the teams and effectively facilitating change within the extremely complex and evolving environment that is higher education (HE) in the UK currently
Nigel has a diverse background from within industry and education, all of these roles have predominantly all been orientated towards both the development of the business of the school and institution and the management of innovative and novel teaching and learning resources, including the development of entrepreneurial activity including consultancy, research and commercial projects, the significant experience accrued in the last 2 of these roles (Head of CPD and CE and CPD and Development lead) are prime examples whereby Nigel has led programmes that have achieved significant (within the Head of CPD role and CPD and development role within the School of Medicine significant double figure) growth in our ‘returnable’ activities, evidenced by growth in student numbers (well over 100% in some courses) and in our OFS and KEF (HEBCIS) returnable activities by thinking and delivering differently. This growth and diversification of our income base further supports the reputation, regional presence and sustainability of our whole provision as an institution.
Nigel’s roles prior to above have all been orientated towards both the development and management of teaching activities and the development of innovative/entrepreneurial activity including consultancy, research and commercial projects, with significant experience accrued prior to the role as Head of CPD and CPD, CPD and Development lead, as an Academic lead for large complex provision areas are examples whereby he has achieved significant growth in our activities by thinking and delivering differently. Nigel has brought that experience and history of growth activities and diversification of income base into his current role within the School of Medicine, additionally he has significant experience in leading on the fulfilment of the academic quality assurance requirements and the development, approval and validation for new programmes, the franchise of our programmes and numerous CPD events and commercial projects. Within this he has significant experience of and assisted and contributed to the annual and periodic monitoring and review requirements for our existing programmes. Nigel has also represented the school on many committees (faculty ASQAC, ASQAC, CPC, Academic board.). He also acts as Chair for the Post Graduate module and programme boards. Additionally, he leads on the provision of pastoral roles within the school and consequently leads on our interaction with the relevant central services. In addition, at the request of the PVC and Executive Dean of the faculty has led on the business development, planning, approval and implementation of our new provision areas including the recent development of Optometry, and the ongoing development of new potential provision areas.
Telephone:01772 894551 / 07530 627258
Email: Email:Nigel Garratt