Paul Simmons
Over his 30+ years experience of teaching, Paul has taught across many subjects. Most recently, he has taught in several web design and User Experience (UX) and Enterprise and Design subjects. He has been a course leader for several courses and is always at his best when delivering lectures or taking on extra responsibilities and new challenges. He is currently the School of Arts and Media lead for Enterprise. Paul is aiming to make this exciting and rewarding subject area available to all students within the School and ultimately to the University as a whole. Paul is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and is currently the School of Arts & Media Course Leader Representative.
Paul is currently lecturing on the Design course and the Media course within the School - he is looking to develop 'Enterprise' into a fully integrated cross discipline final year plugin which will generate an award for the student to add to their degree, thus giving the student experience in the industry of their degree.
Paul has organised many events over the years at UCLan including a 'Young Enterprise' event in 2019 which incorporated 9 Universities in the North West and many North West businesses coming together at UCLan 53 degrees. Paul arranges events at the end of each academic year for the third year students to attend and be awarded any extra awards the students may have achieved. Paul also facilitates students' projects, along with his colleagues to support them in their final year.
- FHEA University of Central 成人视频, 2017
- BSc Computer Animation John Moore's University, 2010
- Microsoft Certified Professional, 2008
- CISCO Certified Professional, 2009
- Setting up an Enterprise Challenge with financial awards and certification issued to successful 3rd year students involving UCLan staff and students from all around the School of Arts and Media
- School link with St Helen's college
- School link with Hugh Baird college
Telephone:01772 894734
Email: Email:Paul Simmons