Professor Andrea Manfrin
Andrea is a qualified pharmacist in Italy, the UK and Switzerland with international research and teaching experience, community and hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry, consultancy and entrepreneurship expertise. He is specialised in health services research, outcome measures, public health with significant expertise in advanced statistical analysis. Andrea has experience in small and large projects, team management, strategic planning, budget management, design and evaluation of new cost-effective health care services. He is the first member of his family who went to University.
Andrea, as Faculty Director of Research, leads the research teams across the schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences. He guides the strategic development of the vertical and horizontal integration of the research within the Faculty of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences with the other Faculties at UCLan and other Universities at National and International level. He is also Chair Professor of Pharmacy Practice and supports the development of the pharmacy practice curriculum and research within the school. In 2020, Andrea, together with Dr Andrew Lunn, founded of the Pedagogic Interest Group (PIG). PIG has submitted three abstracts to the Pharmacy Education conference 2020 and published one paper in less than 6-month. Moreover, Andrea with Dr Andrew Lunn and Dr Victorio Bambini Junior is developing a multidisciplinary team of students (pharmacy, biomedical sciences and computer science) for the co-production of the Scientific Initiation Programme (SIP) which has started in the Summer of 2020. Andrea and Dr Andrew Lunn are working on an international multicentre project called Idea Density (ID). They started an internal collaboration with Dr Daniel Bürkle, psycholinguistics, working at UCLan. Andrea has a very open attitude using a can-do approach which inspires and enthuses others. He has has also been recognised as in inspirational a leader on many occasions, nationally and internationally.
Since he qualified as pharmacists, in 1988, Andrea has developed a broad experience working in primary and secondary care, pharmaceutical industry, management consultancy; and he owned two pharmacies, one in Italy and one in Switzerland. In 2009, he decided to have a career change and joined academia working at the University of Kent (2009-2017; UK), Sussex (2017-2019; UK), and from September 2019 UCLan (UK). Andrea is a quantitative researcher; whose main area of interest is health services research where he led the development and evaluation of a bespoke pharmacist-led intervention for patients suffering from chronic lung conditions. The results of his international work conducted in Italy had an impact on policy and practice, with the Government allocating 36 million Euros for funding such services. Further developments of his research have demonstrated the contribution that pharmacists are making for the sustainability of the health care system. His research has informed 'Pharmacy 2030: A Vision for Community Pharmacy in Europe', a publication issued by the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) which is the European association representing more than 400,000 community pharmacists contributing to the health of over 500 million people throughout Europe. According to Altmetric, one of his papers is in the 96th percentile of the 266,165 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals and is ranked 1st of the 105 tracked articles in BMC Health Services Research. His work is also included in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) evidence website, contributing towards evidence used to inform 2019 NICE guidelines for emergency and acute care, and cited by the Cochrane review. Andrea has demonstrated leadership ability on many occasions, such as leading a national research project in Italy. The President of the Italian Pharmacists Federation, Dr Andrea Mandelli who is an Italian MP wrote "Dr Manfrin has demonstrated a high level of cultural, scientific and relational skills, showing great professionality, passion, enthusiasm and dedication to the work. Dr Andrea Manfrin has shown to have undoubted skills in coordinating the various health care professionals who participated in the study".
- Chair Professor of Pharmacy Practice
- PhD in Pharmacy Practice Research, Universities of Greenwich and Kent (UK), 2017
- Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (Master level) University of Kent (UK), 2011
- MBA, Bradford School of Management (UK), 2005
- Certificate in Foundation of Senior Management, Open University (UK), 2003
- Specialisation in Hospital Pharmacy, University of Padua (Italy), 1999
- PharmD (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology) University of Trieste (Italy),1991
- Pharmacy degree, University of Trieste (Italy), 1988
- Introduction to GCP for IMP Management (Pharmacy), NIHR (UK), 2020
- Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) Using SmartPLS Northern Institute of Technology Management, Hamburg (Germany), 2019
- Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, University of Oxford (UK), 2019
- Introduction to Health Economics Evaluation, University of Oxford (UK), 2018
- Certificate: Research Methods in the Sciences, University of Kent (UK), 2013
- Certificate: An Introduction to Research Skills-UK version, University of Kent (UK), 2013
- The practice certificate in Medicine Use Review, Medway School of Pharmacy Universities of Greenwich and Kent (UK), 2005
- Open learning course on NHS Repeat Dispensing, Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education, University of Manchester (UK), 2005
- Commended for excellent communication and teaching skills at University of Sussex, UK, 2018-2019
- Winner, together with the pharmacy team, of the "Students Led Teaching Award" for outstanding and innovative teaching at the University of Sussex, UK, 2017-2018
- Winner of the national prize, the "Golden Caduceus", awarded by Bari-Bat Pharmacy organisations and the Italian Ministry of Health for the contribution to the development of pharmaceutical science and economic wealth, 2013
- Commended for the active contribution of ideas, service and dedication shown for supporting the needs of the Valle dei Mocheni community, Italy, 2004
- Winner of the national competition for the assignment "free of charge" of a community pharmacy by the Italian Ministry of Health, Italy, 2001
- Health Services Research
- Outcomes Research
- Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Pharmacist-led Intervention
- Pedagogic Research
- Active Learning
- Data Modelling
- International expert of the steering committee of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Trieste (Italy)
- Member of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC, UK)
- Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS, UK)
- Member of PharmaSuisse (CH)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA, UK)
Previous research projects (September 2009- July 2019) Development of a multidimensional matrix linking asthma control with quality of life and cost Principal Co-Investigator: Andrea designed and conducted this study. Clinicians and general practitioners looking after their patients with asthma (as well as their professional organisations) can now evaluate the effect and impact of asthma control on clinical, health and costs outcomes and measure the success of asthma control both in primary and secondary care. Pharmacists could use this evidence-based approach for the provision of a pharmacist-led intervention which appears to be value for money and can align their services with those of other providers as members of the same healthcare professional team. Health Services Research using a new medication lowering the cardiovascular disease risk The central theme of this research was to evaluate the use of Nutraceutical to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The WHO confirmed that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death globally; 17.7 million people died in 2015, representing 31% of all global deaths.1 Statistics published in 2017 suggest that CVD is the primary cause of mortality in Europe as a whole being responsible for over 3.9 million deaths a year, equivalent to 45% of all deaths. CVD is thus a significant cause of economic and human cost for Europe. The latest estimates depict overall costs of CVD in Europe as €210 billion a year, where 53% (€111 billion) is due to direct health care costs, 26% (€54 billion) to productivity losses, and 21% (45€ billion) to the informal care of people with CVD. The study was a single-blind multicentre randomised controlled trial, and demonstrated the effectiveness and value for money of a new nutraceutical using a This new product was more effective and less expensive than the comparator in reducing LDL-C and cardiovascular disease risk. The results of the study are supporting the marketing activity of this new product.
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Health Services Research
- LIFE institute
- Pedagogic Interest Group (PIG)
- Research Projects - Current research projects (from September 2019) Health Services Research
- Better Outcomes For Everybody (BOFE): it is a pragmatic parallel randomised multicentre controlled superiority trial evaluating of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmacist-led intervention delivered in collaboration with physicians in asthma and COPD patients during and after COVID-19 outbreak (Andrea is Chief Investigator)
- Lung Stiffness: it is a phase IV, open-label, multicentre, randomised, 2-way cross-over exploratory clinical trial (Professor Brian Lipworth is the Coordinating Investigator, Andrea is responsible for the pharmacy service and logistic)
- Development of a pharmacist-led intervention for chronic pain management in primary care: it is a feasibility study; the research is under construction, and Ms Michelle Spencer leads it, a practice pharmacist working part-time at UCLan (Andres is the Supervisor)
- Enhancing Neurology Specialist Efficiency - REmote Consultations for TIA (ENEREC); (Dr Liz Lightbody is the lead applicant, Andrea is one of the Co-Applicants)
- Development and evaluation of a medicine-optimisation tool for the improvement of outcomes (safety) for adults and children living in care homes and other similar settings; the research is led by Mr Malcolm Irons a pharmacist and CQC inspector doing a part-time PhD (2018-2024) (Andrea is the Director of Study)
- How non-medical prescribing affects general practice; the research is led by Ms Amanda Armstrong a nurse doing Professional Doctorate (2020-2024) (Dr Josephine Gibson is the Director of Study and Andrea is the Co-Supervisor)
- British Lung Foundation Funding, 2019
- AHRC Research Grant 拢195,545, 2018
- SOFAD srl BOFE research project 拢167,000, 2020-2022 (PI)
- UCLan internal funds 拢8,000, 2020 (Co-I)
- UCLan pump prime funds 拢15,000 (TBC), 2020 (Co-I)
- HEFCE funds (3/4* publications) 拢40,000, 2017-2018
- FOFI I-MUR research project 拢67,000, 2014-2017 (PI)
- FOFI I-MUR project 拢46,800 2012-2014 (PI)
- Other consultancy activities 拢46,800, 2011-2018 (PI)
- An impact case study rated 4* relative to his research has been shortlisted for the REF 2021 with an estimated value of 拢324,000. Grant applied to Health Education England (under evaluation): 拢433,778 (Lot 2) which is a collaboration among three institutions: Salford: 拢161,741, UCLan: 拢132,261, Chester: 拢139,776. The bid was led by Salford University; Andrea is the project lead at UCLan.
- Better Outcomes for Everybody. Pharmaevolution International Congress, Taormina 11th-13th October 2019 (Italy)
- Leaders not followers. Pharmaevolution International Congress, Taormina 5th-7th October 2018 (Italy)
- The new pharmacists' role. Servier Pharmaceuticals National Conference, 11th September 2018, Forte Village (Italy)
- Better outcomes for everybody. Teachers' conference, University of Sussex. Falmer, Brighton, 28th June 2018 (UK)
- Adherence to treatments and new drugs: National Federal program for the development of the pharmacy profession, Clinical Governance and patients' safety. FarmacistaPi煤, Italian National Pharmacists Congress, Milan 17th March 2017 (Italy)
- Putting Community Pharmacies at the Heart of the NHS. Public Policy exchange. London 25th May 2016 (UK)
- I-MUR (Italian Medicines Use Review) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness using asthma as a model. European Pharmacists' Forum, Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU), 10th May 2016, Brussel, Belgium
- Italian Medicines Use Review (I-MUR): Efficacia e costo-efficacia usando l'asma come modello. Professione, politiche per a salute e sostenibilit谩 del sistema sanitario. FarmacistaPi煤, Italian National Pharmacists Congress. Florence 18th March 2016 (Italy)
Telephone:+44 (0) 1772 895815
Email: Email:Professor Andrea Manfrin
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