Professor Joanne Westwood
Joanne is a qualified social worker and her practice focussed on work with communities, families and with children. In 2007 Joanne became a Senior Lecturer and delivered social work education on qualifying and post qualifying programmes. Joanne also undertook doctoral studies on child trafficking in the UK. Joanne was head of Social Work at the University of Stirling and Assistant Director of Society at the University of Salford. Joanne joined UCLan in 2018 as Professor of Social Work Education and was Head of School until October 2022.
Joanne has led and contributed to a range of research and knowledge exchange activities focusing on children and young people’s welfare, digital and technological innovations developments in social work education and in practice.
Joanne supervises PhD and Professional Doctorate students on these and other related topics. Joanne is a member of the Connect centre, and works with researchers on projects related to harm and interpersonal violence.
Joanne joined UCLan in 2018 as Professor of Social Work Education and Head of the School. Joanne has worked in Higher Education since 2004, developing and implementing social work education and research related programmes.
Joanne was previously head of Social Work at the University of Stirling, Assistant Director of Society at the University of Salford. Joanne was a Senior Lecturer at UCLan between 2007 and 2014. Joanne along with her team in the School aim to ensure that students are fully equipped to develop their professional careers, and are self directed life long learners. Digitisation of the curriculum and the development of Hi Fidelity simulation are amongst the range of creative and innovative teaching/learning activities which have been developed in the School in recent years, under Joanne's leadership.
Since 2014 Joanne has researched and published books, book chapters, and peer reviewed papers focussing on social media in social work practice and education. Joanne's work in this area is designed to support practitioners, students and social work educators to be digitally equipped and competent in line with regulatory body requirements.
In 2017 Joanne contributed to the External Expert Panel for the new Digital Health and Care Strategy for Scotland and coordinated the Social Media Strategy for the EASSW bi -annual conference in Paris. Between 2015-2016 Joanne worked with colleagues across the sector in Scotland undertaking commissioned work for the Scottish Social Services Council Review of Social Work education, focussing particularly on Future Skills and Leadership in professional/qualifying social work education.
Joanne's doctoral work completed in 2010 examined policy and practice related to child trafficking in the UK and between 2013 and 2015 Joanne contributed to the largest UK study to date into the health effects of human trafficking with the Institute of Psychiatry: Kings College London, and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Joanne also carried our research on Children’s Domestic Violence Advocacy with colleagues in the Connect centre and the Centre for Children and Young People's Participation. More recently Joanne evaluated a family centre provision in Scotland, with colleagues at the University of Stirling and Glasgow University with a particular emphasis on the support for fathers. Joanne has published peer reviewed work based on the findings of these studies.
Joanne is currently Director of Studies for two Professional Doctorate students (ICT use in Psychiatric Social Work and allegations of abuse made against Foster Carers) and second supervisor for one PhD student (Service user engagement in Domestic Violence support services).
Joanne is a reviewer for several national and international social work and social sciences publications, external examiner for the University of Edinburgh and Queen's University Belfast, and a fellow of the HEA. Joanne has been an external examiner for several PhD students whose work has been focussed on digital and social media practices in social work education and practice.
- PhD The social construction of risk in child trafficking discourses: A study of melodramatic tactics
- in child trafficking narratives University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (2010)
- MA Social Work University of Liverpool (1998)
- PG Dip. Social Work University of Liverpool (1998)
- BA (Hons) Social Policy and Administration: 1st Class University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (1996)
- Social and digital media for social work practice and education: skills and knowledge for workforce development, critical and ethical practice
- Child and family welfare policies and practice, including Roma children, and children experiencing violence/abuse
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
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- Centre for children and young people's participation
- Connect centre for International Research on interpersonal harm and violence
- Westwood, J., Larkins C., and Simpson, J., (2023) British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) /CORAM: Special Edition Special edition of Adoption & Fostering - The digital turn in child and family social work: challenges, opportunities and imagined futures.
- Boland, P. Nowland, R., Tellis, K., Adams, M., Crook, D., Westwood, J., Ridley, J., and Larkins, C., (2022 under review) Barriers and facilitators to cycling to school for children in the UK: A systematic review: Travel Behaviour and Society
- Ibezim, V.A. Ajayi, C., Ayub, O., Chohan, A., Cooling, P., Huntington, M.J. , Kaur, Suntosh, K. Manley, J.Y , McGarvey-Gill, C. , Parekh, S., Shorrock, S., Stone, C., Trimble, L. and Westwood, J., (2022) Beyond Breaking the Chains: Decolonisation as transformation. Social Dialogue Magazine, 14 . ISSN 2221-352X
- Boland, P., Tellis, K., Nowland, R., Crook, D., Larkins, C, Ridley, J., Adams, M., and Westwood, J. NIHR/PROSPERO (2021) Barriers and facilitators for cycling to school in the UK: a systematic review protocol
- 2019/20 HEIF Hi Fidelity simulation pilot.
- 2015-2016 SSSC Review of Social Work: Leadership in Social Work education
- 2015-2016 SSSC Review of Social Work: Future Skills Principal.
- 2015-2016 SSSC Conference: Thinking of the future: Innovations, ideas and developments for social work practice
- 2015-2016 Glasgow City Council Child Sexual Exploitation research project
- 2015-2017 Queen’s University Belfast and Northern Ireland Social Care strategy: social media collaboration: social work service user feedback App
- 2015-2017 Quarriers family support evaluation
- 2015 -2016 University of Stirling Student Enhancement of Learning Fund: Professionalism on Social Media (POSM)
- 2014-2016 EU PEER project: UK information workstream lead
- 2014-2015 SASS Learning and Teaching Fund project: Social Media strategy
- 2013-2014 JSWEC Conference Social Media reporter
- 2013 – 2015 Principal Investigator: Student social workers views on social media in social work education: UCLan and GCU Schools of Social Work
- 2013-2014 Evaluation team member: Aiming Higher: Young reporters Academy and Paul Hamlyn Foundation
- 2013-2014 Project lead: Higher Education Academy: Using twitter in Social Work education: Webinar projects.
- 2011-2015 Researcher: NIHR funded research project into the health effects of human trafficking
- 2011-2014 Evaluation of HARV Children’s Domestic Violence Advocacy project
- Westwood, J. (2020) Digital social work practice (invited speaker) Making Research Count online workshop and presentation for ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ County Council. June 4th, 2020
- Westwood, J. (2018) Social Media and Social Work Practice (Invited key note speaker) East Sussex social work and social media conference 27th November 2018
- Westwood, J. and Taylor A., (2018) (Invited speaker) Social Media and Ethics for SW practice: Blackburn Council June 12th
- Westwood, J., Allen, D., and Pepe, A. (2018) Hi -Fidelity Simulation in Social Work Education: Evaluation of a Case Study Intervention: European Social Work Research Association conference 18-20th April: 2018, University of Edinburgh.
- Westwood, J., (Invited speaker) Stanley, N., Oram, S., Jakobowitz, S., Borschmann, R., Zimmerman, C., and Howard, L.M, (2017) Health needs of trafficked people in contact with health and support services in England. Making Research Count 24th November 2017 Cloth Hall Court, Leeds
- Westwood, J., (Invited speaker) Stanley, N., Oram, S., Jakobowitz, S., Borschmann, R., Zimmerman, C., and Howard, L.M, (2017) Health needs of trafficked people in contact with health and support services in England. Making Research Count: Barnardo’s 24th April 2017, Knutsford, Cheshire
- Westwood, J., (2017) Invited Speaker. Making Research Count: Safeguarding unaccompanied children and young people coming to the UK: policy and practice issues. Making Research Count: Safeguarding Black Children Conference 25th January 2017 Kings College London.
- Westwood, J., Dill, K., Campbell, A., and Shaw, A., (2016) Early findings from the national service user App pilot project. JSWEC 13th- 15th July 2016 Open University, Milton Keynes
- Cummins, I., and Westwood, J.,(2016) Poverty tourism: Thematic analysis of Frontline marketing materials. JSWEC 13th-15th July 2016 Open University, Milton Keynes
- Westwood J., and Belliappa, S., (2016) Risks and Opportunities: Social media in children’s services. Research in Practice webinar, 29th June 2016, University of Sheffield.
- Westwood, J., (2016) Social media for researchers. Workshop for Faculty of Applied Social Science: research away day. Iris Murdoch Building. University of Stirling 13th June 2016
- Westwood, J., Campbell A., Dill, K., and Shaw, A., (2016) Workshop presentation:Service User Feedback: Developing and Implementing a Service User App: Reflections from Northern Ireland and Scotland. Thinking of the future: Innovations, ideas and developments: social media and digital technology for social work practice. University of Stirling 8th February 2016
- Westwood, J., (2016) Invited speaker: Social media and social work practice: Ethics and Practice Issues. Digitalisation, Media and Social Media in Social Work:Making Research Count Conference University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. 22nd January 2016
- Westwood, J., and Larkins, C., (2015) Invited speaker: Advocacy for Children and Young People Experiencing Domestic Violence: findings from research. Conference presentation.Safer Together Regional Conference: Working together keeping families safe from Domestic Abuse. Salmesbury Hall, Preston, ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ 10th December 2015
- Westwood, J., (2015) Digital Families: Seminar presentation. Digital families across the life course project: Children and digital technology. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships. SUII, Glasgow. 19th November 2015.
- Westwood, J., Campbell, A., Dill, K., and Shaw, A., (2015) Paper presentation: Service user feedback: developing and implementing the Service User feedback App. JSWEC Social work education and research across boundaries. 15th -17th July 2015. The Open University, Milton Keynes. U.K.
- Westwood, J., (2015) Invited speaker: Social media in social work education and practice: responding to the challenges. National organisation for Practice Teachers Annual Conference. University of Salford 9th July 2015
- Westwood, J., (2015) Paper presentation: Social media in social work education: devising a social media strategy. EASSW Social Work Education in Europe: towards 2025. 29th June – 2nd July 2015
Telephone:+ 44 (0)1772 893459
Email: Email:Professor Joanne Westwood
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