Professor Mick McKeown
Mick is Professor of Democratic Mental Health in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. He has consistently supported public engagement initiatives, largely in the field of health and social care. He initiated and developed the Comensus service user and carer involvement project at the University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ and supports public engagement in North West Coastal ARC mental health activities. Mick is a board member of the Preston Cooperative Development Network and active within the Preston Model for community wealth building.
Mick has published widely in nursing and inter-disciplinary mental health journals. He is a member of the editorial boards for the cross-disciplinary Journal of Forensic Practice and the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing the top ranked international journal for mental health nursing. He has worked on projects funded by the NHS, Social Care Institute for Excellence, Skills for Care, the Higher Education Academy, Wellcome Trust, and the British Council. Mick is author and coordinator of the collectively written text Service User and Carer Involvement in Education for Health and Social Care (Wiley) and was co-editor of Forensic Mental Health Care: a Case Study Approach (Churchill-Livingstone). Together with Karen Wright he edited the new text Essentials of Mental Health Nursing, published by Sage. A new edited book focusing on coproduction in metal health services is in the pipeline.
Mick is known for his work on participation and democracy within mental health services, in the research context and in the education of practitioners. This has involved a significant amount of inter-disciplinary scholarship and alliance building on behalf of the university, community engagement, and support for user groups. Work with UCLan's Comensus group connects research and teaching and provides for user involvement at all stages of the research process, helping to define research questions and enhance teaching quality. There is a valuable international dimension connected to scholars in the Mad Studies field. Mick makes a contribution to various transdisciplinary Institutes and Centres within the university, including leading the mental health theme of the Criminal Justice Partnership. Previous work has included: supporting our annual mental health Film Festival; participatory action research and appreciative inquiry projects in mental health settings; a Health Foundation study of reducing restrictive practices; research in secure mental health services; study of health care employment relations and union organising; a Heritage Lottery and Arts Council funded community arts and heritage project framed by the Archive of Whittingham Asylum; a large national study of independent mental health advocacy; an evaluation of the It’s a Goal mental well-being initiative that uses football metaphor to promote mental health; a KTP project focused on NHS service user involvement; and supervision of a HEA funded PhD studentship into university user and carer involvement practices. Teaching across a variety of pre and post registration and undergraduate and post-graduate courses.
- PhD, by published work, University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, 2012
- BA (Hons) Social Studies [1st class] University of Liverpool, 1996
- Diploma In Professional Studies in Nursing (psychosocial interventions) University of Manchester, 1995
- Nursing Times/3M National Nursing Awards 1999. The Well Informed Project. Highly commended. (McKeown M and Heath T)
- North West Health Innovations Awards 1999. The Well Informed Project. Highly commended. (McKeown M and Heath T)
- MCB Journals Outstanding paper 1999 (McKeown M, Hinks M, Stowell-Smith M, Mercer D & Forster J)
- Harris Award for Excellence in Research-Informed Teaching 2008 – The Bradton Project
- Epigeum Award for the most effective use of video in an educational or training context 2009. Shortlisted entry
- UCLan School of Social Work teaching prize for excellence in innovation in teaching and assessment 2011. Awarded to Comensus initiative.
- Higher Education Academy, Health Sciences & Practice Subject Centre Learning & Teaching Awards: Team Award 2011. Bradton Project. Highly Commended
- Restrain Yourself Project shortlisted for HSJ National Patient Safety Award 2017
- Mental Health Review Journal, Outstanding Paper 2018 (H Spandler & M McKeown)
- 2019 Eileen Skellern Lecture Laureate
- Critical perspectives on mental health
- Secure mental health care
- Mental health nursing
- Qualitative and participatory research methods
- UNISON National Nursing and Midwifery Sector Committee & Professional Advisory Group
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- Criminal Justice Partnership Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Institute for Global Health and Wellbeing Institute of Citizenship, Society and Change MIDEX
- Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast
- Towards a participatory democracy: Developing a co-operative network and community for Preston
- Whittingham Lives: The History and Heritage of a Victorian Asylum.
- Forensic carers toolkit.
- Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NWC) 2019. NIHR grant £9,000,000.
- Whittingham Lives 2016. Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England £95,000.
- Forensic carers Toolkit 2016. NHS England. £35, 000.
- The CLAHRC NWC Household Health Survey (HSS) 2015. NWC CLAHRC. £700, 000.
- REsTRAIN yourself: restraint reduction project 2014. The Health Foundation. £449, 998.
- Wainwright, J. & McKeown, M. (2019) Place and race: sanctuary, asylum and community belonging. CVNI Conference. Cork, 13-14 November
- McKeown, M. & Spandler, H. (2019) Truth and Reconciliation: a radical approach to challenging mental health systems. CVNI Conference. Cork, 13-14 November
- McKeown, M., Thomson, G., Scholes, A., Edgar, F., Downe, S., Price, O., Baker, J., Greenwood, P., Whittington, R. & Duxbury, J. (2019) Workshop. Restraint minimisation in mental health care: legitimate or illegitimate force? 11th European congress on violence in clinical psychiatry. Oslo-Lillestrom, October 24-26
- McKeown, M. (2019) Co-operatives and Unions within the Preston Model of community wealth building. The new Radical Urbanisms Research Exchange. University of Liverpool. June 20th
- McKeown, M. (2018) Cooperation for wellbeing: the Preston model. International MHNR Conference, Manchester. 13-14 September
- McKeown, M. (2108) Support and involvement of carers in secure settings across England. International MHNR Conference, Manchester. 13-14 September
- McKeown, M. (2018) Whittingham Lives: Activism and Organising, one year on. CVNI Conference. 14-15 November
- McKeown, M. (2018) The support and involvement of informal carers in secure settings in England. 7th European Mental Health Conference. Split, Croatia. 20-21 September
- Wainwright, J. & McKeown, M. (2018) Race, place and the post-colonial other. The Legacy of Fanon Conference, Liverpool, 5 September
- McKeown, M. & Spandler, H. (2017) Whittingham Lives: Activism and Organising, Then and Now. CVNI Conference. Cork, 15-16 November
- McKeown, M. (2017) Truth & reconciliation: a grassroots effort to begin to heal psychiatric hurt. National Advocacy Conference, Birmingham, October 19th
- McKeown, M. & Northey, E. (2017) Organising the National Asylum Workers Union. Whittingham Lives Hidden Histories: Alternative Futures Study Day, Preston, October 12th
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 893884
Email: Email:Professor Mick McKeown
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