Professor Morris Gordon
Professor Gordon is the head of transitions and careers. He is the director of the Biomedical Evidence Synthesis and translations to practice (BEST) unit and the co-ordinating editor and lead for the UCLan Cochrane Gut editorial satellite group. He is an NIHR Cochrane Programme Grant holder. He is the chair of the Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) Collaboration executive. He has published 90 peer reviewed papers.
Professor Gordon has a clinical and academic sub-interest in Gastroenterology. He has worked on many Cochrane and none Cochrane systematic reviews on various adult and paediatric topics and led to change in national guidance on areas such as IBD and Chronic Constipation. He has been involved on over 30 cochrane reviews. He is co-ordinating editor for the Cochrane gut group IBD satellite at UCLan and has worked with many international groups, including the Cochrane developmental psychosocial group, Cochrane Airways and Cochrane infectious diseases.
He is the CI for the Cochrane NIHR IBD Programme grant, with an ambitious 3-year programme to produce a portfolio of reviews and leads a team at the University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (UCLan) in Preston. He is also the deputy editor of the Best Evidence Medical Education Collaborative (BEME) and chair of the BEME executive, leading 20 centres with hundreds of contributors in dozens of countries to produce best evidence in health education topics. He has delivered training and workshops on evidence synthesis and systematic review in over a dozen events to over 200 people in the last 2 years, with 15 completing and publishing systematic reviews already/ Professor Gordon is a consultant Paediatrician working in the North West of the UK. Clinical work includes acute on call and resident Paediatric duties, with neonatal and child protection cover. Additionally, substantial contribution to community and school based neurodisability services on the Fylde coast, including the formation of a neurodisability pathway and complex difficulties panel to ensure national guideline compliance.
Professor Gordon joined UCLan in 2013. He was part of the core curriculum development team that produced the UCLan MBBS programme and supervised the initial stages of GMC validation process. He designed the Year programme and then designed and produced the curriculum theme 'Evidence Informed Practice of Medicine' (EIPOM).
In 2014-16, he also developed the safety and incident reporting processes for the school, as well as the development of the fitness to practice procedures. In 2014, he bid for UCLan to found an international collaborating centre for the Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) collaboration, a key initiative of the largest medical education organisation in the world, AMEE. He supported the development of BEME, leading on a task and finish group to develop a new governance and funding structure, as well as policies for research and education.
In 2016, he took over as chair of the editorial committee until 2019 when he moved to deputy editor, outputting 50% of the reviews produced in the previous 17 years during that three-year period and achieving a number of reviews in the most cited and most downloaded categories for medical teacher journal.
In 2017, he developed the PASREVE course, the only accredited course on health education systematic review. He has delivered PASREVE and related courses to over 100 participants over 3 years. In 2019, he was made chair of the BEME executive. He was reader in 2016 and appointed Professor of Evidence Synthesis and systematic review in 2018.
He has delivered workshops and teaching sessions on evidence synthesis and systematic review across the UK and the USA, including University of Michigan, University of Miami and Texas children's hospital. He has delivered workshops to over 300 learners in the last three years.
Within the school, he continues to act in a pastoral role as head of transitions and careers, supporting primarily MBBS graduates and students with careers guidance and specific transition information within the UK and abroad. Since 2018, he has also been the school lead for extenuating circumstances, reviewing all requests and determining their suitability for special assessment. Within the Blackpool Victoria Trust, he has been the strategic quality lead since 2016.
With a remit focussed on 9 key mortality conditions, he has led an enhancement and transformation programme that has reduced the standardised mortality for sepsis by 50% and moved the trust performance from third from bottom in the country to the top quartile. He reduced the SHMI for fractured neck of femur by 20% and enhanced compliance with national CQUINN targets from 40% to 85%. He has supported the development of a Fylde coast neurodisability pathway. He piloted the pathway within Wyre in 2018 and since this launch, with high satisfaction scores and low waiting times, with this new multiprofessional process pump priming resource to support best outcomes for patients. He was trained in 2018 to complete the ADOS-2 assessment for autism and since then has performed 20 ADOS assessments, all with co-assessment to ensure compliance.
- Head of Transitions and Careers
- Professor of evidence synthesis and systematic review, University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, 2018
- Reader in evidence synthesis and systematic review, University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, 2016
- Fellow of Association of Medical Education in Europe, 2017
- Fellow of Academy of Medical Educators, 2015
- PhD., The University of Salford, 2014
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy, 2013
- FRCPCH - Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2013
- MMed Masters in Medical Education, The University of Dundee, 2010
- MRCPCH - member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2006
- MBChB with Honours, The University of Liverpool Medical School, 1998-2003
- Gastroenterology
- General Paediatrics
- Paediatric Gastroenterology
- Evidence-based medicine
- Systematic review
- Evidence synthesis
- Evidence-based health education
- Associate Editor, BMJ Paediatrics open, 2017
- Fellow of Association of Medical Education in Europe, 2017
- Uk Editor, Cochrane IBD group 2016-2020
- Editorial Board, BMJ Simulation and Technological enhanced learning, 2015
- Fellow of Academy of Medical Educators, 2015
- Chair/Research Consultant, Blackpool Victoria Hospital – Medical Education Research Committee, 2015
- Chair, Best evidence Medical Education Collaboration - Education committee, 2014-2016
- Chair, Best evidence Medical Education Collaboration – Financial & strategic committee, 2014-2016
- Member of Executive, Editorial Board group, Best evidence Medical Education Collaboration – Editorial board, 2014-2016
- NHS Leadership Academy national aspiring talent programme – accelerated national leaders programme, 2014-2015
- Honorary Lecturer in Medical Education, The University of Salford, 2010-2012
- Member of European society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, 2010
- NPSAs Expert Advisory Group, Advisory panel, 2010
- Fellow of the HEA, 2010
- Associate Member, British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, 2010
- Member of Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2009
- Member of Association for the Study of Medical Education, 2009
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- NIHR Cochrane Programme Grant – IBD (Chief Investigator), £210,000, August 2017
- Ongoing error feedback to enhance prescribing: An educational trial £7000, Blackpool research department (Chief investigator), 6 months, March 2016
- Infantile colic: A trio of Cochrane systematic reviews £23500, Blackpool research department (Chief investigator), 12 months, January 2016
- Patient and Service user involvement within medical education: A best evidence medical education project £10,000 Blue skies charitable fund (Chief investigator), 12 months, September 2015
- Osmotic and stimulant laxatives for childhood constipation: A Cochrane review. £5000 NIHR Systematic review project grant (Chief investigator), 12 months, August 2015
- Training in Non-technical skills to enhance medicines safety, £10,000 North west simulation network (Chief investigator), 12 months, November 2013
- Structured approach to the reporting in health education of evidence synthesis: The STORIES statement, £2000, Association for study of Medical Education (Chief investigator), February 2013
- A pilot study to investigate elemental diet for the induction of remission in childhood Crohn’s disease, CMFT, £22,510 pump priming grant (co-applicant), July 2011
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 895995
Email: Email:Professor Morris Gordon
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