Dr Steve Wright
Steve teaches on the postgraduate programme in Medical Education. His particular expertise is in applied qualitative research including a focus on methods development and translation into the use of software tools. He also has extensive practical experience designing and delivering distance education for medical and health professionals.
Steve has published on informal learning, mobile learning and sensory assessment. He has published a series of research methods datasets for SAGE Research which provide a research and methodological context and background, teacher and student guides and detailed step-by-step self-guided learning resources for qualitative methods in practice with software including working with auto-generated transcripts, data-mining for content analysis, software supported Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and data extraction for systematic reviews.
His explored how sensory assessment techniques are learned, practised and organised in craft beer judging. The methods development requirements of this PhD project - encompassing Conversation and Membership Categorisation Analysis, Multimodal video, ethnographic and autoethnographic observation and discourse analysis - brought together by drawing on Science and Technology Studies and Actor-Network Theory led to an interest in and development of expertise in software for qualitative and mixed-methods analysis.
Steve has been an active contributor to the CAQDAS networking project and is a certified trainer in multiple leading Computer Assisted Qualitative Analysis Software (CAQDAS) packages aincluding ATLAS.ti, NVivo, MAXQDA and Quirkos. He has contributed to seminar series and is a member of the scientific panel for the World Congress on Qualitative Research (WCQR). He has published on text mining student feedback from the NSS. Steve was a Learning Technologist at Lancaster University for 18 years - pioneering the introduction of a new VLE system together with developing scalable online learning activity designs and curricula.
- 2014: PhD Technology Enhanced Learning and e-Research, Lancaster University.
- 2004: MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Stirling.
- 1997: BA (Hons) Communication Studies, Class 2:1, Goldsmiths College, UoL.
- Qualitative Methods Development
- Generative AI in Qualitative Research
- Generative AI in Medical Education
- 2016: FHEA - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)