Dr Tamer Rabie
Tamer is a pharmacist with special interest and expertise in cancer pharmacy. He is also an experienced biomedical researcher.
Tamer teaches across different modules in our MPharm course, PG Clinical Pharmacy course, as well as our MSc in Cancer Biology and Therapeutics course. He is a member of our “UCLan Research Centre for Translational Biosciences & Behaviour”, the Neuro-Oncology research group here at UCLan, as well as the “Brain Tumour North West" network. Using his expertise in vitro models of blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the context of cerebral ischemia, he will be looking at the interplay between glioma and the BBB to gain more insight into the pathology of glioma.
Tamer is a UK-registered pharmacist with extensive experience in biomedical research. After completing his undergraduate pharmacy degree, he pursued a master's degree in Molecular Genetics. He then moved on to do a PhD where he was interested in understanding the physiology of different collagen receptors on platelet surface using in vitro models of thrombosis. He generated monoclonal antibodies to collagen receptors and developed an in vitro assay to measure biomarkers in mouse serum.
During his postdoctoral tenure at the University of Heidelberg, he was studying neuroprotection and neurogenesis in the brain in response to cerebral ischemia. To do this, he was using a mouse model of stroke. He then moved to the University of Oxford to study the effect of cerebral ischemia on BBB integrity. For this, he established an in-vitro model of the BBB using primary cells which he isolated from the rat brain. He went on to use this BBB model in an in vitro model of ischemia and used different cell and biochemical assays.
After several years of academic research, Tamer decided to move to hospital pharmacy as he wanted to have a patient-facing role and contribute to patient care. He worked at the Royal Marsden Hospital. This is a world-renowned centre for cancer treatment, where he specialised in cancer pharmacy. As he is very passionate about teaching, he joined us as a Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice to transfer his extensive experience in clinical pharmacy and in research to the next generation of pharmacists.
- PG Diploma in Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice, University of Bath, 2019
- MSc in Pharmaceutical Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, 2009
- PhD in Biomedicine, University of Wuerzburg in Germany, 2005
- MSc in Molecular Genetics, University of Leicester, 2000
- BSc in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Cairo in Egypt, 1998
- Cancer pharmacy
- Cancer therapeutics
- Blood-Brain barrier
- Glioma
- European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
- Brain Tumour North West