Dr Tracy Bradford
Senior Lecturer in Fire Safety engineeringSchool of Engineering and Computing
Tracy is a Senior Lecturer in Fire Safety Engineering and Course Leader for MEng / BEng (Hons) Fire Engineering. Tracy teaches on a wide range of fire modules covering aspects of fire science, chemistry, physics and human behaviour. Tracy's current areas of interest are human behaviour within fire and development of practical experimentation into the behaviour of fire.
Tracy teaches across a number of modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Tracy is laboratory manager for the Fire. Oil and Gas laboratory within the EIC for teaching.
- PhD, 2023, Organophosphates in aircraft cabin air, University of Central 成人视频
- Msc Fire Safety Engineering, UCLan, 2003
- BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences with Biology and Chemistry, Open University, 1999
- Nominated for the CCL Vice-Chancellor鈥檚 Awards 2024
- Human Behaviour and evacuation
- Fire dynamics and fire behaviour in compartments
- Fire dynamics and material behaviour during testing
- Fire dynamics and evacuation in tall buildings
- Fire dynamics of wildfires
- Zhang E., Bradford T., Weiming L., Asimakopoulou E., “Modelling of wildland fire spread using empirical approach analysing the effect of moisture, wind, and slope”, 4th European Symposium on Fire Safety Science ESFSS 2024, 9-11 October 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
- Zhang E., Wilcock C.R., Cox M., Cox S., Bradford T., Asimakopoulou E., “Swedish pine weathered treated fire performance: an experimental investigation”, 4thInternational Seminar for Fire Safety of Facades, 10-12/6/2024, Lund, Sweden.
- Tracy is a member of CEFE
- Project: SAFE project Operational Research and Testing of Evacuation Strategies for the Evacuation of Occupants from High rise Buildings Involved in Fire (/research/activity/safe ), Funded by: Home Office Project investigators: James Fowler (PI), Shephard Ndlovu, (co-PI), Eleni Asimakopoulou (co-I), Champika Liyanage (co-I), Khalid Khan (co-I), Tony Graham (co-I), Tracy Bradford (co-I)
Telephone:+44 (0) 1772 893237
Email: Email:Dr Tracy Bradford