Vicky Mooney
Vicky is the Principal Lecturer and Academic Lead for Post Graduate Policing and Criminology programmes at the University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. Vicky has a background in youth justice, community-based crime prevention, sexual violence, child sexual exploitation and more recently in higher education as Senior Lecturer and Course Leader on both undergraduate and postgraduate health and policing degree programmes.
Vicky is the Principal Lecturer and Academic Lead for Policing, being responsible for the day-to-day leadership of the academic team delivering 6 postgraduate programmes. These include the MSc in Counter Terrorism, MA in Criminology, MSc in Criminal Investigation, MSc in Criminal Justice, MSc in Cybercrime, and MSc in Financial Investigation.
Vicky has had a diverse career, both in education and working collaboratively with the Police since commencing her journey as a BA (Hons) Psychology student in 2001. Vicky’s interest in investigative psychology fuelled her early education and career choices to work alongside the Police within multi-disciplinary settings throughout her career, predominantly in a safeguarding capacity in Youth Justice and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). Vicky has experience writing Pre-Sentence Reports (PSR), recommending appropriate sentences for young offenders at Magistrates and Crown Courts, delivering offence focused intervention for Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programmes (ISSP), supervising offenders sentenced to a Detention and Training Order (DTO), acting as an Appropriate Adult during Police interviews and supported the Community Safety Partnership in community crime prevention. Vicky’s role as a CSE Worker involved working in a multi-agency sexual exploitation team alongside Police, Children’s Social Services and Health to safeguard, support officers with intelligence gathering in tackling organised criminal networks, supporting young people to prepare for Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) and Missing from Home (MFH) interviews in addition to providing intelligence during the Force Major Incident Team (FMIT) meetings. Vicky has since become research active by completing a PhD focusing on the perpetration of CSE, conducting Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) commissioned sexual violence research in Cheshire and ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, Chairing the CSE Public Policy Symposium in London and a peer reviewer for the Qualitative Social Work Journal.
Prior to the Principal Lecturer role, Vicky has contributed to planning, development, delivery and evaluation as Senior Lecturer and Course Leader at both undergraduate and postgraduate level on the BSc professional policing degree and MSc sexual health degree at the University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. Vicky has been involved in regular marketing initiatives to meet targets for recruitment and retention of students and has provided support for students as academic advisor to address both welfare and academic needs. Vicky continues to teach on postgraduate Policing programmes and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students. Vicky contributes to the research activity of the school through participation in research groups, such as the UCLan Criminal Justice Partnership and has recently conducted county-wide needs assessments for Cheshire and ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Police and Crime Commissioners on sexual violence and domestic abuse services and completed her own doctoral research.
- Academic Lead for Post Graduate Policing and Criminology programmes
- PhD Policing, UCLan University, 2024
- MSc Sexual Health Studies, UCLan University, 2017
- General Teaching Practice – Leeds Bradford University, 2011
- Post Graduate Certificate in Health and Social Care Education, UCLan University, 2006
- BA (Hons) Psychology, Chester University, 2001
- Finalist Educate North Awards, 2019
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Sexual Violence
- Domestic Abuse
- Evidenced Based Policing
- Peer reviewer for the Qualitative Social Work Journal
- Independent researcher for TONIC Research Organisation
Vicky has recently completed her PhD exploring the typically hidden interpersonal victim perpetrator dynamics involved in contact child sexual exploitation, specifically the verbal and non-verbal communication patterns, when preparing for or during sexual activity, and the retrospective discursive constructions that follow. The combined quantitative Language Inquiry Word Count [LIWC] and qualitative multi-modal discourse analysis of police case files suggests that there are distinct contact CSE psycholinguistic features and interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication patterns that characterise victim-perpetrator dynamics in contact CSE.
Vicky has presented her findings nationally for the British Society of Criminology (BSC) and Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Centre and internationally for Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH), European Society of Criminology (ESC), and the International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (ISICSP) conferences in Sweden, Spain, and Italy. Vicky has been research-active since 2017 undertaking the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) commissioned sexual violence research in Cheshire and ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, Chairing both the CSE Public Policy Symposium in London and UCLan CSE Symposium in Preston, being peer reviewer for the Qualitative Social Work Journal and publishing in the Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.
- UCLan Criminal Justice Partnership
- Mooney, V. (2021). A systematic review of the United Kingdom's contact child sexual exploitation perpetrator literature: Pointing a way forward for future research and practice. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 19(2), 40-57.
- Taylor, M., Scott, M., Elvin, D. & Mooney, V. (2020). Pan-³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Needs Assessment, Police and Crime Commissioner for ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ: TONIC
- Scott, M., Taylor, M., Mooney, V., Elvin, D., & Senker, S. (2019). A needs assessment for the support needs of survivors of sexual violence in Cheshire for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, Police Crime Commissioner for Cheshire: TONIC
- Quirk, V. (2007). Make Room for Active Youth Participation. UCLan Through the Looking Glass – Reflective Research in Post Compulsory Education. Vol 2(2), 95-104
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, The Sexual Offending, Vulnerability and Policing Conference, University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, Preston, England, 2024
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, The 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2023, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 2023
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, The British Society of Criminology Conference 2023, University of Central ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, Preston, England. 2023
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, The European Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health LEPH 2023, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, 2023
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, 10th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics, Faculty of Humanities of Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain, 2022
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, Child Sexual Abuse Centre of expertise PhD Workshop, 2021
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, UCLan Centre for Criminal Justice Research and Partnerships, 2021
- Contact Child Sexual Exploitation Victim – Perpetrator Dynamics: Exploring Interpersonal Communicative Patterns, UCLan Connect Centre for International Research on Interpersonal Violence and Harm, 2021
- Public policy Exchange Symposium on Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation, 2018
- Poster presentation on CSE research – Domestic Violence Conference, 2018
- Poster Presentation CSE research – Conference for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers in Social Work, 2018
- UCLan Sexual Health Student Safeguarding Conference, 2018
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 893664
Email: Email:Vicky Mooney