Gel Clear: Service communication and component design

Support from our Innovation Clinic team allowed Gel Clear to enhance their products and create a new brand identity.


  • Design products for HVACR system
  • Rebrand
  • Service design
  • Product design


A distinct brand mark leading a service proposition that is intuitive; giving the viewer access to the performance advantages of the Gel Clear system.

System products (designed for manufacture) with enhanced usability. This system was adopted by large nationals in the UK and overseas.

"The team at the Innovation Clinic had the knowledge and credentials to understand the whole process of getting the product to market. Also, their independence made me confident that the support they were giving was the best advice for my company, while the whole process has given me more confidence in my own abilities to grow the business in the future."

— Paurick Gaughan, Managing Director at Gel Clear

The Innovation Clinic are business development experts, who specialise in adding value to businesses through innovation, design and technology.

For more information about how the Innovation Clinic can support your business, please email or visit our page here.