Posture Care Research: Competitor analysis and proof-of-concept testing

Our Innovation Clinic team provided assistance with competitor analysis and proof-of-concept testing for Posture Care Research’s Hugga® system.

The Brief:

Competitor analysis to determine potential USP for the Hugga® system and its potential place in the postural support and patient positioning product market.

Proof of concept testing through contact pressure recording and micro-movement measurement.

End-user feedback.


  • The competitor analysis identified that most products on the market lack empirical evidence, which highlighted the value of independent proof of concept research for the client.
  • The Hugga® system is now supported by an independent evidence base which supports its use in patient positioning and pressure management which can be used to direct future marketing strategies.


"The Innovation Clinic provided an independent report that we used at a conference (PMG 2019) actually won the poster presentation and has helped us begin to build our evidence base. We need to further that work, but it is a great start that is helping us open doors."

— James Leinhardt, Managing Director at Posture Care Research