1st Year MBBS Student
The most enjoyable part of the MBBS course has definitely been the medical skills sessions – the practice examinations such as abdominal, respiratory in a hospital setting are very life like. The timing of lectures is really good so you can really get the most out of the course, in comparison to other places. On top of this I really enjoy the communication sessions with patient volunteers, it is great to practice these skills.
In my first year, we have been able to engage in patient contact, which has been great for my development. During my time at UCLan, the course has provided 2 weeks of placement at Bridgewater Hospital in Wigan, this time has been extremely valuable and going out to work in an actual hospital has been great experience. The tutors have really been great, Dr. Habib and Dr. Brown are extremely good in their subject areas, Dr. Brown explains immunology really well.
Overall I would say I have found maintaining the knowledge of the human anatomy the most challenging part of the course, but at the same time it has been very rewarding.

UCLan has great facilities; a gym that is free for students and a 24-hour library with group study spaces, I use this a lot to complete assignments because for me it is a more relaxed work environment where you can talk to your peers.
In your first year, the School organises a trip to Wales as part of a team bonding exercise, this was very helpful in getting to know people on my course, and my personal highlight was when we went gorge walking.
My UCLan accommodation has been enjoyable, my flat houses mostly medics, which has made it easier to settle in to. I am situated within walking distance of the town centre, campus and the train station, so it is very convenient. Since I have been here, I have been fortunate to travel around the UK, visiting Wales, London and Manchester. It is great to get out and see places in the UK while I am studying, although the weather is cold!
My advice to future students is to look forward to studying here, the course leaders encourage socialising and having fun. If you throw yourself into opportunities, you will really benefit and get the most out of the course, UCLan and Preston.