MChem (Hons) Chemistry
What made you decide to study Chemistry at UCLan?
I decided to study at UCLan because of the facilities at the university. You have access to all the equipment you would need to complete any task you have been set. You will gets hands-on training and be able to access it whenever is required with technicians always available. This allows you to understand the theory you learn in lectures better as you can see it happen in practice.
What was it that attracted you to the course specifically?
The ability to use some equipment that would not be available for students at other universities such as NMR. At UCLan you have full access to these machines and not just handing samples to technicians to do it for you.
What are the facilities like?
UCLan have a designated chemistry building which houses all the equipment you would need for any practical task you would be set. The ground floor is where all analysis is performed with dedicated room for the more important pieces of equipment such as XRD, NMR and SEM. Lab facilities also have technicians and demonstrators always available.

What is the teaching like?
Teaching is varied between lectures, workshops, seminars, tutorials and lab sessions. The course itself is kept up to date with the more recent research discoveries. Workshops are tutorials is where you will put into practice what you learn in lectures by having worked examples with the lecturer there to make sure you understand. The lecturers have an open door policy so they are always available to ask any questions about something they have covered in their lectures.
Have you been involved in any projects?
I have worked over summer with a lecturer on an area of chemistry I have become interested in. This involved being part of real-world research which improved my laboratory skills and allowed me to practically apply my laboratory skills gained within taught labs.