Ghazala Fasal shares her experiences of the University

BSc (Hons) Psychology, Year 3

I chose to study at UCLan as it was highly recommended by certain academics whom I know that have graduated from there. The campus is in a great location at the heart of a multicultural city. It is ideally located within walking distance of shops, restaurants and other local amenities. I knew I would be attaining a professionally recognised qualification at a well-established university.

The course is a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops. What pleased me was the potential of working in smaller group numbers which would help to develop skills quicker and get to know fellow group members better. I quickly got to know the staff and my peers and soon became part of the social society.

UCLan has state-of-the-art facilities ranging from laboratories, lecture theatres and sports facilities. It has everything I would expect a highly rated educational institution to have for me to successfully complete my studies whilst also enjoying extra-curricular activities too. 

Ghazala Fasal
Ghazala Fasal

"All the lecturers I have met are excellent and always offering help and support if needed. Most of them know my name, and at a university with lots of students, that is something to be pleased about."

— Ghazala Fasal

The lectures are all clear and give you the opportunity to ask questions during and after the lectures.

As for projects, I am currently a Student Ambassador helping at open days to promote opportunities and support prospective students and their guests.

As part of my course so far, I have designed a leaflet, completed numerous assignments and a few presentations and sat exams as part of my degree. All the work varies, and all challenges are exciting.

“I am currently running a study on opioid drug addiction for my third-year project, looking into the behaviours that lead to addiction with the help of my supervisor.”

My favourite memory of UCLan is going to the Film Fair with the student experience lead of psychology and fellow peers, it made the whole university experience that bit more special. I also really enjoyed helping at the open day as it gave me the confidence to speak to people that I never knew.

Anyone that is thinking of joining UCLan should not hesitate or think twice, and if they have any questions come forward and ask. This place is amazing.