Human Resource Management BA (Hons) gives a unique perspective into the HR function of any business or organisation. It gives a strong understanding of an organisation’s priorities and challenges it can face.
This course shows ways of being able to influence the future of a company based on the employment decision making.
It helps you to create a positive impact on people and looks at all areas from recruitment and selection right the way through to dismissal and redundancy. Not only is this course a brilliant foundation for a HR career but can also open a lot of doors because of the knowledge you gain about organisations, the business world, law and organisational change as well as HR.
I wanted to study HRM because I really like people, I enjoy training people and bringing out the best in them. I genuinely care about the well-being and development of employees and the employer.
Having already had a chance of working within a HR department, this gave me the drive to pursue my career further and choosing this HRM degree has given me the chance to pursue my dream.
"The advice I would give to a mature student is, don’t wait, life is too short, there are opportunities out there that can be yours, what comes with age is experience - life experience! "
— Jeanette Wilson
Match that with a degree and you have your stepping stone for a great career and a happy future. I am a mum of two boys; 15 and 8, I am a wife and I live in another town, it is a juggle, but it is a juggle worth doing and worth taking.

The support you get from the tutors is great, there is always someone on the end of the phone or an email, any questions or queries, someone’s always there. Whether it’s your course leader, academic advisor or just the unit tutor, the support through the degree is great.
The School of Business has offered opportunities such as, frequent visits from the CIPD and to speak to HR professionals from different industries. In year 2 you get the opportunity to become a student member of the CIPD. There are also lot of trips available in year 2, a chance to go to New York and China as well as Europe. We are encouraged to attend job fairs and career events run through the university, which are helpful as a lot of businesses and organisations attend these events.