Graduating with a BSc (Hons) in Neuropsychology and becoming a PhD student
What made you decide to study at UCLan?
I chose to study at UCLan because it is central to numerous other cities, such as Manchester, Liverpool and London and I can easily travel to these places. It has a city vibe but still feels like a homely community. It was only 2 hours from my home in North Wales, so I could still regular travel home to see family and friends.
What was it that attracted you to the course specifically?
UCLan is one of very few universities which offer specified psychology courses, such as Neuropsychology. The mix between neuroscience and psychology was very appealing and allowed me to merge two of my interests into one course. UCLan’s outstanding psychology department also won me over!
What are the facilities like?
UCLan Psychology department have a great Brain Imaging department available for students to use for their projects, and to gain experience in. They also have great observation labs including a two-way mirror which allows for some great studies!

What is the teaching like?
The teaching is great. Staff really try to engage with students and make the learning process as fun as possible whilst also being rewarding. They often run competitions with prizes in some lectures too!
Have you been involved in any projects?
During my second year I volunteered to help using the EEG brain imaging technology. This experience allowed me to use this equipment for my dissertation project and aided me in producing a first-class dissertation.

Have you had to overcome any obstacles during your time at UCLan?
There were a couple of assignments, one including producing video, where I had no idea where to start. I had no experience or knowledge and thought it was a strange assignment to give to psychology students. Little did I know how much I would enjoy it, it actually turned out to be my favourite assignment of my degree. Lecturer provided invaluable assistance and made the process enjoyable. My video obtained a first-class mark and is now being shown in lectures as a ‘good example’! The course really does develop skills you didn’t think you’d need!
One memory that sticks out from your time at UCLan so far?
My first year at UCLan was my favourite. I met great people living in student accommodation and great friends on my course. Living independently for the first time taught me a lot, but I wouldn’t change a thing!
Any tips to prospective students?
Choose a course that you will find fun and rewarding. UCLan offer a huge range of courses so choose the right one for you. That way, assignments will be fun and won’t feel like work! Make friends with your course mates and flat mates and be as social as you can in the first few weeks!