Jane Constance, MSc Human Resource Management student, explains why she chose UCLan as her university.
Since I was raised with such amazing and devoted parents, I never focused on the fact that I couldn’t see; I just developed my strength and started music at a very young age. I have always had a strong feeling to help people who are also in my situation, in advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities. I am a singer and musician from Mauritius, and am known for winning The Voice Kids in France in 2015. Since then, I have released two French albums, which convey messages of peace, perseverance and positive attitude; messages that are very dear to my heart being born blind.
As an explorer, I wanted to challenge myself to study Law overseas, as well as the challenge of studying away from home; a milestone to overcome, especially for a blind student. I chose to study at UCLan after plenty of research, finding out that it is a safe place for disabled students; where each and every person is empowered and supported regardless of their difference. Reaching Preston after a long 12-hour flight, I was impressed by all the facilities provided for disabled students and the warm welcome I received.
My technology and inclusive adviser are both very kind and willing to help. I also couldn't imagine myself walking around campus without the unconditional support of the well-being team.

Since I was not exposed to white canes in my country due to various accessibility issues, I had the chance to be provided with Mobility training to help me move around campus independently. I also use a talking GPS which helps me to know where I am on campus.
The School of Justice is a really friendly team of staff and students. Their unconditional support has really helped me throughout my academic journey. My biggest problem at the moment is to access the University library website. Fortunately, I am fully supported by my technology adviser to use a different braille software to make the system easier!
After spending two weeks at UCLan, I had already joined various societies, where I easily found my place between sighted people; I am honoured and glad to be the chair of the Singing Society, where I met lovely friends who share common interests, and I am also the secretary of the Disabled Students Society, a community which I really enjoy being part of, supporting each other through our ups and downs. I admire the SU as everyone is openminded and non-judgemental. I feel that my disability was neither a difficulty nor an apprehension as the team simply welcomed me with open arms.
I would strongly encourage prospective students to join UCLan. No matter who you are or where you come from, the university has always something for you. You will be studying in a safe environment and supported in your career aspirations. If you are a shy person, don't worry too much. Tutors will always help you to give the best of your abilities and you will be able to overcome those fears and strengthen your personality. University life is not easy, but hard work, determination, self-belief and adopting a positive mindset are key to success! Above all, enjoy the course you study and be proud of who you are!