Community organisations

Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership

We work with a range of local and national organisations and services. Our goal is to offer volunteering opportunities to those studying here at UCLan, alongside helping the community.

Want to work with student volunteers?

Upload your volunteering opportunities

Work with us

Students enjoy volunteering while they study. It allows them to gain and develop skills and make new friends whilst giving back to their local community.

We also run many on-campus events throughout the year that your organisation could get involved in. To get involved please register with us and add your volunteering opportunities.

Recognition for your student volunteers

Once a student starts volunteering with your organisation, they can log their volunteering hours using our . We offer a range of volunteering awards that have been developed to recognise student contributions. It is a thank you for all the work, time and effort they put in with us and the local community.

These awards are presented during our annual volunteering celebration event based on logged hours and students can achieve all the benefits associated with volunteering with CVCL.

Email the CVCL Team for more information

Volunteering celebration event

Every year, CVCL recognises the achievements of our students and community volunteers and leaders as part of an annual celebration event. We want to take time to thank volunteers for the skills, commitment and thousands of volunteer hours given. Organisations can nominate their community volunteers for our Community Volunteer of the Year Award, Community Team of the Year Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. Check out our news and stories page for features and articles about CVCL's volunteering celebration events and to receive regular updates. 

Email the CVCL team for more information

Volunteering Fairs

Every academic year, the CVCL host a number of volunteering and jobs fairs in partnership with the University's Careers team. The fairs usually take place at both our Preston and Burnley campuses in:

  • October
  • February

These are large scale events and hundreds of students attend.  Please if you would like to receive regular updates on upcoming fairs and how to book your organisation a place.

Email the CVCL team for more information