Support is provided by our team of dedicated technical staff. These facilities are available for consultancy use.
Detailed information
Kit list
- Horiba LabRam HR confocal Raman microscope with 532 and 785 nm lasers for point spectra, mapping and 3D imaging; Sampling Accessories: Cuvette holder for rapid solution analysis, super head Raman probe, immersion Raman capability and catalyst stage for environmental control and heating
- Agilent FTIR Microscope with MCT detector on the microscope and DTGS in the research grade bench. Fitted with Diamond and Germanium micro ATR-FTIR and macro ATR-FTIR in the macro sample compartment
- 5 x ATR-FTIR systems
- Thermo TRACE 1300 GC with Ion Trap MS ITQ 700, compatible with direct insertion probe, liquid and headspace autosampler
- Thermo TRACE GC Ultra fitted with DSQII Mass Spec system (single quadrupole) and compatible with direct insertion probe and liquid autosampler
- Thermo TRACE 1300 GC with ISQLT Mass Spec system (single quadrupole) with liquid autosampler
- Dionex Ion Chromatography System
- 5 x HPLC systems fitted with UV and diode-array detectors
- 2 x GC fitted with Flame Ionisation Detectors
- HoribaJY FluorMax-4 Spectrofluorimeter Specroflourometer
- 2 Bench top JEOL JCM-6000 Plus SEM one fitted with EDS
- 2 x Bruker NMR 鈼ixed Proton and Carbon dual probe 300 MHz solution NMR with autosampler
- Multinuclear solid state and solution 400 MHz NMR
- Thermo iCE 3000 Series Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
- Thermo X Series Inductively Couple Plasma Mass Spectrometer
- Thermo ICAP 7000 Series ICP-Spectrometer
- Flame photometry spectrometer
- Organic Elemental Analyser
- Bruker D2 Phaser Bench top X Ray Diffractometer
- Shimadzu UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer
- Microwave Digestive System
- High Pressure Autoclave Reactor
- Range of furnaces and tube furnaces
- Sample Preparation: Sputter Coating, Microwave Digestion, Centrifuges; Lyophilisation (Freeze Drying)
Access to these facilities is available outside of normal business hours on a case-by-case basis.
The Chemistry Laboratories can be found in 112, 209 of the JB Firth Building