This page provides information to our external stakeholders who require information on our regulations and procedures.
- The University’s academic regulations and conditions of offer can be found in our Student Policies section.
- For queries relating to University Committees, please email Academic Quality Committees.
- If you are seeking to view the University’s procedures, please email Course Enhancement.
Course approval and review
Colleagues external to the University should use the button below to access policies, procedures and forms.
In order to access this area, colleagues should either be signed in to their browser with their UCLan ID, or request access under their own Microsoft 365 organisation.
For further support please email the Course Approval inbox.
External Advisers
Thank you for agreeing to act as an external adviser to the University of Central 成人视频. The following documentation and pro forma are designed to provide you with guidance on your role. Event specific information will be provided to you separately.
External Examiners
The External Examiner system is an integral part of the University’s quality assurance and enhancement processes. External Examiners play a crucial role in the maintenance of academic standards, ensuring assessment processes are conducted fairly and in accordance with our academic framework.
We value the contribution made by External Examiners and draw on feedback to enhance the student experience, learning and teaching and quality processes. Schools are required to respond formally to suggestions for action from External Examiners.
Responsibilities of the External Examiner
- To verify that academic standards are appropriate for the award.
- To ensure comparability of academic standards with similar HE programmes across the UK.
- To ensure that the assessment processes are sound, fairly operated and in line with the University’s policies and regulations.
Annual report
Upon receipt, your annual report will be considered by staff within the Academic Quality Unit and the relevant School. You will receive a response highlighting any actions that the School, College or University may need to take as a result of your feedback. Your report and feedback will also be shared with students. The Academic Quality Unit produces an annual overview of all reports received by the University.
In addition, the University of Central 成人视频 appoints an Institutional Examiner to review this report and provide external feedback on the External Examiner system in place.
Submitting your report
External Examiners are required to submit their annual report within six weeks of the final boards taking place for the academic session.
Fees and expenses
The annual fee payment is not automatically generated upon receipt of your report. You must complete a fee/expense claim form each year to receive payment of your fee. The fee/expense claim form should be submitted to the External Examiners email address upon submission of your annual report to ensure that your fee and expenses are paid promptly.
If you require any further information or documentation please email us.