Calling all parents!

17 May 2020

UCLan researchers are appealing for parents to share their experiences of using technology during the COVID-19 lockdown

Researchers from the University of Central 成人视频 (UCLan) are appealing for parents to come forward and share their experiences of using technology during the coronavirus lockdown.

The team, consisting of academics from UCLan’s School of Nursing and School of Physical Sciences and Computing, has launched a new study examining how parents are utilising technology to stay connected during social distancing and to reduce loneliness during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Parents of primary and high school age children are being asked to share their experiences by completing an online survey by 7 June.

"At UCLan we have been doing a series of studies to address why so many parents in the UK feel lonely and isolated."

Dr Rebecca Nowland, a Research Fellow in UCLan’s Child and Family Health research group, is one of the principal investigators. She said: “Surveys have shown that around a third of parents in the UK report that they feel lonely often or always.  At UCLan we have been doing a series of studies to address why so many parents in the UK feel lonely and isolated. 

“During this recent time with Covid-19, I have seen parents have been using technology in novel and positive ways to stay connected to family and friends and we wanted to capture some of those experiences so we can help parents at this time but also in the future when social distancing is over.  The study will also help us identify things that make it difficult for some parents to use technology to stay in contact with others.”