UCLan Cybercrime Research Unit (UCRU)
UCLan Cybercrime Research Unit (UCRU) is focused upon the pursuit of cutting-edge research in the field of Cybercrime which will inform social and educational policy in tandem with income generation activity and publications for REF 2020.

Identity and Property crime as well as Digital Piracy, Cyberbullying/Stalking/Grooming, Trolling and Online ASB, gendered violence online and disability scammers online, metatheoretical development drawing upon Criminological Theory and Forensic Science. Including research into Terrorism.
Owen, T. and Marshall, J.A. [Forthcoming, 2020] Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Rethinking Cybercrime: Critical Debates.
Owen, T. [2018] ‘How businesses can use psychology to safeguard against cyber criminals’, May 24th 2018. Linked to The Daily Telegraph and The Times. Raconteur.
Owen, T. [2017] Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Crime, Genes, Neuroscience and Cyberspace.
Owen, T., Noble, W., and Speed, F.C. [2017] Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer. Book has gone into paperback and Chinese translation. New Perspectives on Cybercrime.
Owen, T. and Owen, J.A. [2015] ‘Virtual Criminology: Insights from Genetic-Social Science and Heidegger’, 1 [7]: 17-31.Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology,
Owen, T. [2014] Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Criminological Theory: A Genetic-Social Approach.
Owen, T. [2017] ‘Neuro-Agency, Neuro-Ethics and Cybercrime’, in Owen, T. et al, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer. New Perspectives on Cybercrime.
Owen, T. and Speed, F.C. [2017] ‘Biology and Cybercrime: Towards a Genetic-Social, Predictive Model of Cyber Violence’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
Owen, T. [2017] ‘The Problem of Virtual Criminology’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
Marshall, J.A. [2017] ‘The Challenges Posed by Scammers to Online Support Groups: The ‘Deserving’ and the ‘Undeserving’ Victims of Scams’, in Owen, T. et al, New Perspectives on Cybercrime. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer.
Noble, W. [2017] ‘Cyber Vigilantism: How the Cyber Mob Behaves’, in Owen, T. et al, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer. New Perspectives on Cybercrime.
Noble, W. [2017] ‘Cyber Armies: The Growth of the Cyber Defence Industry’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
Noble, W. [2017] ‘Trolling: The Ugly Face of the Social Network’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
Noble, W. [2017] ‘Rethinking IPC: Should we Rethink Our Attitudes Towards Property and Ownership in the Wake of Internet IP Crime?’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
Noble, W. [2017] ‘Something You Wish You Had Never Seen: Videos of Death and Murder on Facebook, You Tube, and Other Media Platforms’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
Todd, M. [2017] ‘ Virtual Violence: Cyberspace, Misogyny and Online Abuse’, in Owen, T. et al as above.
UCRU hosted an international conference on cybercrime at UCLan in 2016, ‘Rethinking Cybercrime’ and the keynote speakers were Professor Michael Clarke of RUSI and Professor Majid Yar of Hull University.
UCRU hosted a second, international conference on cybercrime, ‘The Second Annual Conference on Cybercrime’ at UCLan in 2017, and the keynote speaker was Geraint Jones [‘Operation Orr’] of Cheshire Police.
In 2017, Dr Tim Owen was a guest on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ programme with an audience of 5 million. Dr Owen spoke on the use of social media by Neighbourhood Watch groups.
In 2017, Dr Tim Owen was a guest on BBC Radio 成人视频’s ‘Drivetime’ slot. Dr Owen spoke on the Ransomware attack on the NHS.
Dr Tim Owen welcomes applications for postgraduate study at Masters by Research and MPhil/PhD levels in Cybercrime.
Dr Tim Owen, Jessica Marshall and Dr Megan Todd teach on CJ4016, Cybercrime: An International Context on the taught MA Criminology and Criminal Justice programme.
Dr Tim Owen leads the Year 3 undergraduate module, CJ3026 Crime and New Technologies.
Jessica Marshall - Senior Lecturer in Social Science and The Public Services.
Dr Megan Todd - Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for Sociology and Sociology and Psychology
Wayne Noble - Lecturer in Digital Publishing
Associate Members
Dr Mahmood Chandia - Senior Lecturer
Professor Alethea Melling - Director of the Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership
Faye Christabel Speed - NHS Personnel and co-author
UCRU have recently engaged in Knowledge Transfer projects with the Financial Directors Association of the North West and the Insurance Broker’s Union.
Dr Tim Owen is a Consultant on Cybercrime for the EPSRC research council. He is also an invited member of TITAN’s [serious organised crime unit of the North-West] ‘CISP’ forum/thinktank on cybercrime, and the Home Office/National Cyber Security Centre’s thinktank, ‘Future Directions in Cyber Crime Research’.