Jost Institute for Tribotechnology

Institute for Engineering and Technology Innovation (InETI)

The Jost Institute for Tribotechnology has been established to provide a centre of excellence of international standing for industrially relevant research, teaching and knowledge transfer within the area of tribotechnology.


The purpose of the Jost Institute for Tribotechnology is to foster the development of new knowledge, to engage in the dissemination of best practice and to encourage the exchange of knowledge in tribotechnology to bring economic, environmental and social benefits to society.

What is Tribotechnology?

Tribology is the science and technology of surfaces interacting in a relative motion. It includes friction, wear, lubrication and interfacial interactions between solids as well as between solids and liquids/gases.

What we do?

The Jost Institute for Tribotechnology has been established to provide a centre of excellence of international standing for industrially relevant research, teaching and knowledge transfer within the area of tribotechnology.

The Institute provides executive support for the International Tribology Council (ITC) which facilitates communication between tribologists on an international basis and its research is conducted in association with national and international partners, such as ESTL - European Space Tribology Laboratory (UK), University of Leeds (UK), KTH - Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden), VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Lule氓 University of Technology (Sweden), etc.

聽Our activity is mainly divided in three areas:

  • Teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  • Research in tribotechnology in applications such as aerospace engineering and automotive engineering.
  • Services in knowledge transfer and consultancy including: contract measurement and testing, knowledge transfer networks, training, conferences and workshops.