Resources Hub
The main finding of the original study was that COVID-19 magnified what worked organisationally, and what did not, prior to the pandemic. The intention of the Hub is to ensure that services are as well-designed as possible, to optimise experiences and outcomes for service users and their families, and for staff, whatever the stresses on the health system.
The links below provide resources to support maternity and neonatal organisations:
Get involved in the Hub
The Hub It is designed to be a living space - please use it, and add to it if you have information, insights, or materials that might optimise the way maternity and neonatal care could best be provided, now or in the future, both in times of crisis, and in times when there are less challenges to the health system.
Contact our ASPIRE Team.
Events related to maternity and neonatal organisation
Upcoming events related to the provision of safe and personalised care:
Achieving Safe and Personalised maternity care In Response to Epidemics (ASPIRE)

As the COVID-19 pandemic became a reality in the UK and across Europe, it was clear that healthcare provision would have to be adapted according to the developing situation and that this would differ according to variation in infection rates and resources, but also according to local contextual factors such as organisational culture, which would influence the direction and course of change. UK policy is for safe, personalised maternity and neonatal care. However, considerable changes were made to the provision of maternity and neonatal care over the pandemic, which impacted to varying degrees on the provision of safe and personalised care.
Background information
The project included the analysis of national organisational and Trust-level guidance/social media as it was produced over the pandemic; interviews with service users, staff and national organisation representatives; analysis of routinely collected clinical data for key maternal and neonatal outcomes; and analysis of data from the .
See below for information on key messages, the ASPIRE conceptual framework, case studies, policy briefs, publications, and datasets.
For all enquiries please contact our ASPIRE Team