SAFE: Strategies Aiming at Effective Fire Evacuation in Highrise Residential Buildings

Institute for Engineering and Technology Innovation (InETI)

The Strategies Aiming at Effective Fire Evacuation in High-Rise Residential Buildings (SAFE) project aims to establish the most effective evacuation methods, interaction and decision-making between residents and firefighters during fire evacuations.


As the world population grows and the demand for space increases, vertical living, and the construction of high-rise residential buildings (HRRB) is an urgent need. The design of HRRB can be very challenging, as apart from the aesthetics, durability and stability of the building, engineers have also to take seriously into account fire safety issues.

Home Office releases study findings from the SAFE project

The Home Office published a comprehensive report in February 2024 summarising the outcomes of live evacuation testing research conducted by the University of Central 成人视频.

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Front view of Hereford House and assembly point.
Front view of Hereford House and assembly point.


  • Help the government develop national guidelines to be used in evacuation procedures of high-rise residential buildings (HRRB).
  • Emphasis on means of protection and evacuation procedures for people who are unable to use the stairs in an emergency or who may require assistance (such as disabled people, older people, and young children).